A tribal minor girl delivered a child at hostel premises of Umri SC/ST Sevashram, Jeypore (Code: OD-KO-07, Date: 04-Feb-2015 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by OROSA
Case code OD-KO-07
Case year 04-Feb-2015
Type of atrocity Discrimination or harassment or insult or denying or limiting access to opportunities in any educational institutions, hospital, dispensary and Primary Health centre
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 04-Feb-2015
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: Koraput District(DP)
State: Odisha
Police station Jeypore Sadar
Complaint date 07-Feb-2015
FIR date 07-Feb-2015

Case brief

Case summary

Suranjita Pujari aged about 13 years (DOB-17/03/2001), daughter of Ramanatha Pujari of Upparkanti village under Similiguda police station limit of Koraput district. She is a class VI student and staying at Umuri SC & ST Hostel since 2013. During the summer vacation (May to June 2014) she went to her village and she had relation with Pabitra Puhjari aged about 21 years. After vacation she returned back to her hostel and she got pregnant. On 04 February 2015 around 11:00 Pm she felt sever pain in her abdominal and she called the senior students and hostel superintendent for their help. After they reached she delivered a boy child and when Head Master told to bring her to hospital she refused and requested to go her village.  The next day Head Master gave permission to the assistant teacher to drop Suranjita and her baby in their village by a vehicle.  On 08/02/2015 her health condition was not good so she and her parents went to district hospital, Koraput for treatment. On 05/02/2015 the Head Master Informed the District Welfare Officer Mr. S. Trinath Rao about the whole matter. As per the instruction by Additional District Welfare Officer On 07/02/2015 Mrs. Arnnapurna Devi, Welfare Extension Officer (WEO) visited the Umuri Hostel to inquire the matter. After knowing the matter she went to police station and lodged an FIR against Head Master and Police arrested to the Head Master Mr. Kailash Chandra Bramha.

On 05/02/2015 the villagers of Uparakanti had a meeting to finalise the case and to give justice to Suranjita and her family, in the meeting the parents of Pabitra Pujari accepted both of mother and child. It was decided that they will be marry as per tribal culture and Suranjita will stay in her In-laws house. As decision by the villagers they were got married and now Suranjita and her baby staying in her in-laws house happily. 

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