Atrocities and sexual violence on dalit woman of Ada Sahi village under Rajkanika PS of Kendrapara District (Code: OD/16-09-2020/01, Date: 08-Jun-2020 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by Ambedkar Lohia Vichar Manch
Case code OD/16-09-2020/01
Case year 08-Jun-2020
Type of atrocity Abuses by caste name in any place within public view
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? Yes

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 08-Jun-2020
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: Kendrapara(DP)
State: Odisha
Police station Rajkanika
Complaint date 09-Jun-2020
FIR date 09-Jun-2020

Case brief

Case summary

 Sashikala Behera, 28 years, wife of Sameer Sethi of village Ada Sahi, Po-Nuagan, PS- Rajkanika, Dist- Kendrapara is an Anganwadi Worker. She belongs to Scheduled Caste Category. Her Husband was working outside the country at Dubai. During this period, she developed intimacy with one Sarbeswar Dash, aged about 30 years, S/O- Naran Dash of village Mathasahi under Rajkanika Police Station Taking advantage of the situation, Sarbeswar Dash had taken some obscene photographs and videos of Sashikala. He also took Rs. 3.0 lakh cash promising her to take as partner in his business of Steel Rod, Cement etc. When Sashikala did not agree to continue physical relationship with him, he threatened her of dire consequences and also to make public the obscene photos and videos. On 8.6.2020 Sarbeswar assaulted Sashikala, humiliated her in front of her house. Basing on the complaint by Sashikala, Rajkanika Police Station case no. 120 dated 9.6.2020 was registered under section 341, 294, 323, 354-B, 379, 506 IPC with 3(i)(r)(s) (2)(va) of SC &ST PoA Act.After recording of statement if the victim, Section 376 IPC was invoked by the police.


The accused was arrested on 7.7.2020 and later granted Bail on 15.7.2020. After he was released from jail, the accused threatened the victim at gun point to withdraw the case. This was informed to the Investigating Officer cum SDPO, Pattamundai on 30.07.2020. Again on 4.8.2020, the maternal uncle of the accused threatened minor daughter of the victim along-with the victim to make public indecent photos and videos of the victim so that she is ousted from her post of Anganwadi worker. A complaint was filed at Rajkanika Police Station on 04.08.2020. The accused made public the obscene photos and videos of the victim making her subjected to humiliation. Complaints in this connection were filed on 17.8.2020 and 19.8.2020 at Rajkanika Police Station. This matter circulating the indecent photos through electronic means by the accused was also informed to the I.O cum SDPO, Pattamundai on 17.8.2020. But none of the above complaints was registered as FIR. Thus a fact finding was carried out for further monitoring of the case.



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