Brutal attack on SC ST Students & teachers of Gobarghati Ashram School by CISF Security forces of Tata Steel Ltd., (Code: ALVM/EU-18/116/2018, Date: 18-Feb-2018 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by Ambedkar Lohia Vichar Manch
Case code ALVM/EU-18/116/2018
Case year 18-Feb-2018
Type of atrocity Abuses by caste name in any place within public view
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 18-Feb-2018
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: Jajpur District(DP)
State: Odisha
Police station Kalinga Nagar
Complaint date 19-Feb-2018
FIR date 19-Feb-2018

Case brief

Case summary

The Ashram School at Gobarghati was established in 1949. The present student
strength of the school is 380. The school is situated adjacent to the Tata Steel boundary. The
camp of the security forces of Tata Company from CISF is situated near the school within
the company campus. On 18.02.2018 at about 11.00 PM, some 20-25 CISF Jabans forcibly
entered the school campus and assaulted whomever they found. As Matric examination was
very near being scheduled on 23.02.2018, many of the students were studying. The
indiscriminate beating by the CISF forces resulted in injury sustained by 33 students
including 1 physically disadvantaged student and a teacher of the school. The forces left the
school campus as police arrived on the spot. The CISF alleges that there were stone pelting
by the school students to their camp which enraged them to take such step.
On the other hand, facts were collected about the inhumane condition of the school.
The existing buildings are not repaired and maintained. No new building has been
constructed in last 10/12 years.

The boundary wall is in dilapidated condition. The security of the children is a big question mark. It was said that the condition of the school is not fit for human habitation. Hence development of the students was out of question. Not a single rupee from C.S.R. funds of Tata Steel has been spent for
development of the school.

It was learnt reliably that there is a motive of some authorities to shift the school to
some other place and handover the land to an industrial house. It is also learnt that the Tatas
have the planning of taking over the school land construction an Airstrip for their use.
As the children from SCST communities were beaten up, the district administration
has sealed the school from media and activists. It is strongly felt that the Government is
protecting the accused persons and at the same time do not allow to show the horrible
condition prevailing inside the school campus to the outer world.
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