Mass Atrocity over Cattle rearing (Code: UP-62 JNP -04, Date: 09-Jun-2020 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by Bhartiya Jan Sewa Ashram
Case code UP-62 JNP -04
Case year 09-Jun-2020
Type of atrocity Commits mischief by fire (Arson) or any other explosive substance causing damage to house, property or place of worship
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 09-Jun-2020
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: JAUNPUR(DP)
State: Uttar Pradesh
Police station Saraikhwaja
Complaint date 09-Jun-2020
FIR date 10-Jun-2020

Case brief

Case summary

On the day of incidence at 5 pm, Ravi Kumar, Pawan and Atul was rearing his cattle (Buffaloes), when Asif, and three other friends asked Ravi and his friends to rear his cattle (Sheeps) too. As, Ravi Kumar and his friend refused they started making caste abuse and started hitting them. Ravi and Atul went back crying, on which their parents Sursatti Debi, mother of Ravi, Pawan’s mother Satti Devi, and Atuls brother Virendra questioned Asif and his family, on which they again started hurling caste abuse and threatened to set their house on fire, and called 112.  By then village Head, Pradhan came and tried to make peace and 112 were stopped to further intervene.  However, by evening perpetrators came as a mob of 200 people and surrounded the village, disconnected power, started firing and entered the village, and set houses on fire, destroyed 2 hand pumps,  4 goat and 2 Buffaloes died, 6 Motorcycle were set on fire. Ransacked Rajesh’s shop.     Some people from Dalit family were out for wedding, when the incident took place, on knowing the status of the village, some women and children were sent to the nearby village Chiddaiyadih. By the time, people returned, their houses were on fire, all the properties got destroyed. Nebulal’s daughter was about to get married, her jewelry also got damaged, along with all the other things. By the time police were informed it was already 9-10 pm.  2 Police vehicle came with force, 2 fire brigade came to control the fire. By 2 a.m (10.06.2020), 35 people were arrested. By next day (10.06.2020) 2 accused were presented in front of the District Magistrate, and was asked for immediate relief and compensation to the victim’s family, which includes Ration, 5000 cash for 7 people, Clothing for ladies, and from CM relief fund 10Lakh compensation was announced. Further spot investigation by the I.G was also done.

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