Social Boycott (Code: HR-08-11-2021, Date: 01-Aug-2021 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by NDMJ-Haryana
Case code HR-08-11-2021
Case year 01-Aug-2021
Type of atrocity Other Crimes Against SCs
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 01-Aug-2021
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: JIND(DP)
State: Haryana
Police station Uchana
Complaint date 01-Aug-2021
FIR date 02-Aug-2021

Case brief

Case summary

 Sachin belongs to caste chamar and living in village Chattar. On dated 1.8.21 at approx. 10pm they were sitting at their platform of his mohalla. Yet accused Sahil s/o liluram, Sonu s/o Mangeram, Anil s/o Sippa@shiva, Lilu s/o Prem, Prem s/o Succharam and others came at their platform. All accused were drunker and doing obscene act there, when they trying to explain them, then caste abused them i.e. chamar, Dehd, Gittal, Giri hui Nasl and others. When they trying to stop them then they attack on them bricks. Due to fear they run away in his home. All accused threaten to life and run away. due this victim lodge an fir under sc/st act and another incident also in same village under sc/st act was lodged. due to these FIRs and compromised not made by victims. dominant villageres did social boycott of Dalits.

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