Suicide attempt by dalit due to mental harassment (Code: DL-SDL-01, Date: 26-Jul-2014 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by NDMJ - DELHI
Case code DL-SDL-01
Case year 26-Jul-2014
Type of atrocity
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 26-Jul-2014
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
State: Delhi
Police station Sector 23 Dwarka
Complaint date 26-Jul-2014
FIR date 26-Jul-2014

Case brief

Case summary

Phool ChandS/o Hukum Chand works along with his wife as a daily wage worker at M.C.D Ward 136 Matiyala. He pays his owner bribe of Rs. 500/ month. if he refuses to pay then he is troubled by the supervisor, inspector and sub inspector. he and his wife tried to complaint it to inspector but he doesn\\\'t listen to them. they have also removed all his records of work even though he is working for past 17 years. they threaten him that they won\\\'t let them become permanent workers. Due to this he is very tensed and under constant pressure. today (26-72014) at 9:32 am he bought kerosene oil for Rs 35 and burn himself. his life was saved as people came to his rescue. after that he was rushed to Safdarjung Hospital delhi.when hopital declared him fit for statement then SI took his statement in presence of his son Badal at 3:00pm. 

At present, Phool Chand is fully recovered. he has got a permanent job. Though he was suppose to get Rs 11 lakhs as compensation from the rehabliatation centre of the government but he has only received Rs 5 lakhs.

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