The dominant caste prevents to work the leader of the Dalit who working in municipality (Code: TN-TRU-2020-120, Date: 08-May-2020 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by Social Awareness Society for Youths-SASY
Case code TN-TRU-2020-120
Case year 08-May-2020
Type of atrocity SC/ST (POA) Act
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 04-May-2020
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: Tiruppur(DP)
State: Tamil Nadu
Police station Dharapuram
Complaint date 04-May-2020
FIR date 07-May-2020

Case brief

Case summary

Ms. Selvi (Panchayat President) W/O Ramesh belonging from caste Hindu-minority community and residing at Kondarasampalayam in Tirupur District.  Mr. Kuppusamy belonging to the Goundar community in the same panchayat.  Kuppusamy verbally abuses by using caste names in front of the public in the office of the municipality.  Again Kuppusamy threatens to kill Ms. Selvi.   The Darapuram Police Station has filed a complaint under the Prevention of Violence Act. It is noteworthy that the police have not yet arrested the accused Kupusamy.

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