Attack on Dalit Youths at Jind (Code: HR-19-05-2021-, Date: 11-May-2021 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by NDMJ-Haryana
Case code HR-19-05-2021-
Case year 11-May-2021
Type of atrocity Voluntarily causing simple hurt and grievous hurt
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 11-May-2021
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: JIND(DP)
State: Haryana
Police station Sadar Narwana
Complaint date 12-May-2021
FIR date 18-May-2021

Case brief

Case summary

 victim Bhagwati (46y) w/o late sh. Jai singh caste Jatav r/o village Belerkha tehsil Narwana district Jind. She has seven children in which two girls are married. All victims including her sons Vijender, Dinsh, Ranjeet are doing labor at brick- kiln at kharal-Pather in the village.

Before the attack on victims 4-5- days, accused Anil kumar(30y) s/o Dhoop singh caste Jat r/o village Kharal were going at poli farm near brick-kiln. Where his car was stick in the mud therefore accused call to victims vijender (22y) s/o jai singh caste jatav, Dinesh(17y) s/o jai singh caste jatav, Ranjeet(17y) s/o amar singh caste kashyap, vipin(20y) s/o omshankar. All victims trying to push the car from mud, but car was not came out from the mud. Due to this accused got angry and abused and threaten that “you despicable people are coming here; I will teach a lesson later.

On dated 11.5.21 at approx. 7.30pm victims Vijender, Dinesh and Ranjeet were return back their home after taking his home items. Yet satish(42y) s/o punnaram caste valmiki and sanjay(27y) s/o ramkishan caste kashyap met him. Yet accused Anil kumar came in high speed Ritz car no. HR32-4592 and hit all of them very brutally.

All victims were seriously injured and admitted incivil hospital Narwana, but all was referred to Agroha hospital due to serious condition. Now they are admitted in private hospital Sarvodya. In this intensely attack ranjeet lost his leg and his right hand also broken, vijender leg also broken three sides, sanjay leg and hand also broken and sanjay leg also broken. All is admitted in hospital till now.   


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