Ayyavari Siddeswar (Code: TS/RR/6, Date: 09-Mar-2020 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by Dalit Sthree Sakthi
Case code TS/RR/6
Case year 09-Mar-2020
Type of atrocity Abuses by caste name in any place within public view
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 09-Mar-2020
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: Ranga Reddy
State: Telangana
Police station Not recorded
Complaint date 09-Mar-2020
FIR date 11-Mar-2020

Case brief

Case summary

Ayyavari Siddeswar, s/o Narsimlu, Modallaguda village, Nandigama Mandal, Ranga Reddy district.  He belongs to S.C.  Mala caste and ekes out living as agriculturist and grazing cattle. They sell milk out of cattle grazing.  The cattle and grass are kept at nearby land where there is a bore water also.  On 09-03-2020 at about 7.30 p.m. he fed the cattle with grass and water and was proceeding back home.  At that time, he got a call from his sister and he was talking with her on phone.  Suddenly three persons came on a bullet motor cycle and attacked him.  They are: Maheswaram Muralidhar Goud, s/o Sivaramulu Goud, Maheswaram Sivakumar Goud, s/o Pentaiah Goud and another unknown person.  They all belong to Modallaguda village.  While attacking they abused Siddeswar by caste name, saying “mala, madiga Lanja kodakallara” and hit with a stone on his head. While one of them held the hands of Siddeswar, other hit him the stomach with hands while the other unidentified person hit him in the stomach with his shoe.  Sivakumar forcibly took away the mobile phone from Siddeswar.    Siddeswar was having on his person about Rs.20,000/ being the sale proceeds of milk of that month.  They robbed that money also. As Siddeswar was talking to his sister on phone at that time, she sensed that someone attacked him and she rang up to her another brother immediately.  That phone was switched off, so she rang up to the neighbors of Siddeswar and through them passed on the information to Siddeswar’s family about the attack.  The family along with other immediately rushed to the scene and seeing them the attackers fled away.  Siddeswar who got bleeding injuries on the head.  They took him to Nandigama police station who got him admitted at Government Hospital, Shad Nagar where they stitched the injuries on head.  A complaint to the police was also given.  But on 10-03-2020 when the victims approached the police, the police dragged on without registering the complaint and suggested compromise.   The victims insisted that the case must be registered.


There are events that happened in the previous year which led to the sudden murderous attack on Siddeswar.    Siddeswar has one chunk of five and half acres and another chunk of seven and half acres of land at two survey numbers, which is cultivated by him and his family members.  Adjacent to his five and half acres land one Naveen Reddy has his land.  Naveen Reddy forces the owners of land adjacent to his land to sell their land to him at the prices dictated by him.  The attackers Murali Goud and others belong to the group of Naveen Reddy and they are also part of the land grabbing by threatening and forcing.    Last year, Raghavendra Goud, brother of Murali Goud asked Siddeswar to sell his land which was initially rejected by Siddeswar’s father and brothers.  They refused to sell the land as it was their ancestral land.  But due to pressure and to avoid quarrel Narsimlu, father of Siddeswar and Venkatesh, brother of Siddeswar reluctantly agreed to sell the land and accepted two cheques given by them towards the sale.  But the cheques bounced.  When, Siddeswar’s brother Venkatesh questioned them about the cheque bounce, Raghavendra Goud and his gang attacked him.  Venkatesh gave a complaint to the police at Kottur police station.  But the case was not registered by the police.   Raghavendra Goud and his family, started cultivating the land and dug trenches around it with JCB.  Thus, without payment of sale amount they occupied the land and started enjoying it.   Venkatesh, filed cheque bounce case also.  In the light of these developments, Raghavendra Goud and his gang thought of eliminating one of the family members of Narsimlu and they made the murderous attack on Siddeswar on 9-03-2020.

Siddeswar and his family explained everything to the police on 10-03-2020 and requested for registering the case on the attackers.  Despite all this, the police did not register the complaint given by Siddeswar.  Meanwhile the attacker Raghavendra Goud and his gang approached the police on 10-03-2020 and negotiated with the police.  Finally, as Siddeswar was insistent the police registered the case against Raghavendra Goud and others on 11-03-2020, but they registered a counter case of attempt to murder on Siddeswar also, on the complaint of Raghavendra Goud that Siddeswar attacked him on 10-03-2020.  But actually Raghavendra Goud was in the precincts of  police station negotiating with the police on that day.

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