bit and public Insult to a Dalit family from Muslims in Mysore district, Nanjangudu talluk, Nagarle village. (Code: KAR/MYS/2017-6, Date: 10-Jun-2017 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by National Dalit Movement For Justice - NDMJ Karnataka
Case code KAR/MYS/2017-6
Case year 10-Jun-2017
Type of atrocity Other Crimes Against SCs
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 10-Jun-2017
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
State: Karnataka
Police station Not recorded
Complaint date 10-Jun-2017
FIR date 11-Jun-2017

Case brief

Case summary

Mysore district Nanjangudu taluk, biligere hobli, Nagarle village, there lived schedule Caste Holeya community belonngs N S Nagaraju 50 years and his wife Siddarajamma 45 years this couple had three children two male and one female. Gunashekhar 25 years second son Prabhuswamy 20 years and Dhakshyeni 21 years their only daughter. all are studying in collage and this family has 0.50 actor land. N S Nagraju works as cooly labour and taken care of his family his house is at the last of schedule Cast peple street the road which goes Cavery see from Nagarle.

while going and coming back from that road since N S Nagaraju house is at last of the street Muslim boys were raging his daughter Dakshayeni and it was continued daily. one day on 10-06-2017 evening around 6;30 while gong on that street this Muslim girls throw the stones on N S Nagaraju house, they comes outand sees but there was no one out but other people outside those who have seen says that Muslim boys have thrown stone on your house and away. Nagarajuwas not there at home but his mother Basamma 70 years his wife Siddarajamma and his three children were there at home. in the same day night at 7-30 the sameMuslim boys Jameer Pasha 20 years Shakheer Pasha 20 years and Arub Khan 11 years were sitting in front of his house and badly calls his daughter Dakshayeni that come with us one day for thjat her brothers Gunashekar and Prabhuswamy scolds them and there was a small class also after that they have gone from there. then these three goes to their street and have told to all their community peple that SC Holeya community people have scolded us in bad words and have beaten us. after that along with them nearly 25 to 30 peple of their community comes and enters Nagarajus house with sticks, stones sickle and with deadly wepone and destroys all his house and things and beats to his family members even they have not seen old peple and women\'s and have beaten Nagarajus relative Mahesh 35 years s/o Sannamadaiah badly. since chennajamma, Basamma and Gunashekar had beaten badly they have been admitted in Nanjangudu hospital as inpatient and taking treatment. police have cleared all and have given proteection for both street.

this incident case has been filed at Biligere police station on 11-06-2017 and the crime No 130/2017, IPC 1860 u/s 143, 147, 148, 324, 506, 149 and Sc/St (poa) act 1989, 3(1)(x) has been filed.

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