Brutal Attack by Brahmin over Cattle Grazing (Code: UP-62 JNP -02, Date: 07-Jun-2020 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by Bhartiya Jan Sewa Ashram
Case code UP-62 JNP -02
Case year 07-Jun-2020
Type of atrocity Voluntarily causing simple hurt and grievous hurt
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 07-Jun-2020
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: JAUNPUR(DP)
State: Uttar Pradesh
Police station Rampur
Complaint date 07-Jun-2020
FIR date 12-Jun-2020

Case brief

Case summary

Ram Kilodhar S/o Panna Lal on 7.06.2020, at 9 am in the morning went to the farm for cattle grazing. While grazing the goat started grazing the standing crops of the Brahmins land, on which the Brahmins brutally attacked with sticks and started abusing using caste remarks, and also damaged one motor-cycle of one of the Dalit victim’s relatives. While leaving the place they left with death threat. Even the woman in the house, was also injured.


  •          Chintu S/o Pannalal got fracture in the waist
  •          Pappu S.o Pannalal got fracture on head, got 7 stiches
  •          Maina Devi got hurt in her back


Victims called 112, as police reached the fearless perpetrators bribed them and sent them back. They called 108 for ambulance, and the injured victims were taken to Public Healthcare center.  S.T.O Prabhat Kumar Yadav, treated them with normal medicine, and no special attention paid to the grave injuries.


For registering FIR, victim made several visit to the police station, after several attempt on 12.06.2020 FIR got registered by S.O and the statement were manipulated, and was not mentioned the way it actually happened.


S.T.O was sent for spot investigation.


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