Buddamolla Sunitha (Code: TS/RR/8, Date: 28-May-2020 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by Dalit Sthree Sakthi
Case code TS/RR/8
Case year 28-May-2020
Type of atrocity Murder
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? Yes

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 28-May-2020
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: Ranga Reddy
State: Telangana
Police station Shadhinagar
Complaint date 28-May-2020
FIR date 29-May-2020

Case brief

Case summary

Details of the Case:

Buddamolla Satteyya and Sunitha are residents of Vubagunta village, Shabad Mandal, Ranga Reddy district.  They are S.C. Mala by caste and he works as a plumber.  As there was no sufficient earnings in the village, he shifted to Milardevpalli, Rajendra Nagar mandal and settled there in Rajiv Gruha Kalpa works.  On 28-05-2020 Sunitha suffered pains and sprains in the hands and legs.  She was taken to “Sri Srinivasa Multi Specialty Hospital” opposite to police station of Milardevpalli.  This hospital was inaugurated about 6 months ago and it belongs to the relatives of local M.L.A. Prakash Gowd.    At the time when Sunitha was joined in the hospital one Mr. Raghavendra Gowd was on duty.  He treated her and by about 11.00 a.m. Sunitha got relief and felt cured.  Then the doctor told Sunitha, her husband and relatives that though it is cured now, for permanent cure it is necessary to know the actual cause by examining blood reports.   Sunitha and her relatives agreed and got the blood tested.  The reports came in the evening and at about 8.00 p.m., Dr. Raghavendra Gowd and another doctor examined the reports and informed them that Sunitha has sodium deficiency and that it is necessary to give sodium injections.  They said that it is necessary for her to be admitted in the hospital for three days treatment.  Then they started giving her glucose.  At about 8.30 – 9.00 p.m. Sunitha felt severe pain and cried.  She asked them to remove glucose saline.  Husband and relatives of Sunitha approached the doctor and told him that Sunitha was feeling pain and crying. 


Then the doctor told them that there would be pain while administering medicines and asked them to go away from there, saying that Sunitha would not co-operate for treatment if they are present around her.  At about 10.00 p.m. the husband and relatives went to see Sunitha, they found her shifted from general ward and joined in ICU.  Shocked at the turn of events, they asked the doctor what happened and why she was shifted to ICU.  They asked the doctor to show her to them.  Then they all went to ICU and saw her and found her unconscious.  They questioned the doctors to tell them what happened.  The doctors said, nothing happened, she if fine and just they shifted her to ICU because there is A.C, there and that she is sleeping.  The doctors asked they to go away from ICU.  But after some time, the relatives noticed that the doctors and nurses are running around and were in commotion, they felt that something had gone serious and saw Sunitha in ICU.  They found her on ventilators and then they grasped that it was serious and that the treatment turned out to be spurious.   It was around11.00 p.m. at that time.   The relatives started shouting at the doctors for their misdeeds, then Dr. Raghavendra Gowd told that she was alright and that the pulse is fine and suggested them to take her to Apollo hospital.  Then they shifted her to their ambulance along with two nurses.  But the relatives insisted that the doctors should accompany them to tell the doctors at Apollo about the medicines and treatment given by them.  Then the doctors told them to go first and that they would follow.  But the relatives got suspicion and kept Mr. Sudhakar, the brother of Sunitha at the doctors to see if they would start or not.  As he was there and pressurizing them to start, the doctor started in his car along with Sudhakar and reached Apollo hospital. 

There he asked Sudhakar to get down and stay there while he will park his car and come back.  But instead of parking the car, he sped away in the car at a high speed.  At that time the Apollo doctors who examined Sunitha told the relatives that she was brought dead and she expired 15 minutes ago.  When the relatives of Sunitha asked the doctors at Apollo about the cause of death, they replied that they can’t say anything without examining case sheets and line of treatment.

All the relatives went back to Sri Srinivas Hospital by around 11.30 p.m., by then there were local politicians and police at the hospital.  The husband gave police complaint against the doctors at the Milardevpalli police station.  From then onwards until the afternoon of next day the politicians and the police attempted to convince the husband of Sunitha for a compromise.  The ACP himself gave Rs.50,000/ to Mr. Sudhakar, the brother of Sunitha telling him to utilize the amount towards funeral expenses.  The police themselves arranged a DCM and transported the dead body to their village.

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