caste abused to Dalit panchayat (Code: HR/30/19, Date: 17-Feb-2019 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by NDMJ-Haryana
Case code HR/30/19
Case year 17-Feb-2019
Type of atrocity Abuses by caste name in any place within public view
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 17-Feb-2019
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: PANIPAT(DP)
State: Haryana
Police station Women police station
Complaint date 01-Mar-2019
FIR date 16-May-2019

Case brief

Case summary

victim Manpreet kaur d/o Paramjit singh caste majhbi sikh did arrange marraige with kamal tehri before five years.accused kamal\'s family tortured to victim Manpreet kaur on casteline. on dated 17.2.2019 a Dalit panchayat went at accused house, accused Sarojbala caste abused to all panchayat and comments \" Sare Chude-Chamar are gathered and came at my door. victims and all panchayat returned back after this caste insult.   

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