Caste discrimination and atrocity to a Dalit Student of Govt. Nursing Training Hostel of Kendrapada District Hospital (Code: OD-KDP-001, Date: 09-Feb-2015 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by OROSA
Case code OD-KDP-001
Case year 09-Feb-2015
Type of atrocity Discrimination or harassment or insult or denying or limiting access to opportunities in any educational institutions, hospital, dispensary and Primary Health centre
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 10-Feb-2015
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
State: Odisha
Police station Not recorded
Complaint date 11-Feb-2015
FIR date 11-Feb-2015

Case brief

Case summary

              Padmini  Sethy is a second year nursing student staying in the hostel from last one year, was attempt to commit suicide on the date 09/02/2015 due to mental torture by Mrs. Puspa Panda senior student. Principal Mrs. Basanti Pand was gone for paper evaluation work to outside of the district and she has given the hostel charge to Pushpa Panda who is the secretary of the hostel in charge after the Principal.  On that day the kitchen care taker was late for two to three hours because of some personal work so Puspa Panda has taken initiative to form a group of 2 students from each room to clean the utensil (Vessels) which was use in the last night. Accordingly two students came from each room except Room-1 so Puspa called Padmini  Sethy to join in the group and help for cleaning of the utensil so that the cook can prepare the food within lunch break. But Prangya  refused to was the Utensils because she was ready to go for attending the class and If she will join with group to clean the utensils then she will miss the class. During this conversation Puspa scolded her by taking her caste name and the occupation. Padmini started crying and went to attend her respective class; on the way Principal asked to Padmini  why you are crying? what is the matter? she replied that Puspa Didi scolded me. Then she attended her class some of the friends were also tried to make herself understood but she was hurt and after one class she left the classroom and returned to the hostel. Because of frustration she consumed 6 Paracetamol tablets to commit suicide. After taking medicine she started to vomit and it was inform by her friend to principal that Padmini  was taken step to commit suicide. Immediately Principal came and started to drink her Patas water for the instant treatment then she was admitted in the Hospital for one day. Her Parents were informed and they came immediately and taken her to their house. After listing the incident her uncle Mr. Ranjit Kumar Sethy lodged an FIR against Mrs. Puspa Panda and Principal Mrs. Basanti Panda in the Kendrapada Police station. The police started investigation on the issue and not yet arrested the accused. 

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