Dalit Bonded Labour Assaulted Physically (Code: UP-LKO-26, Date: 21-Feb-2015 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by NDMJ-UP
Case code UP-LKO-26
Case year 21-Feb-2015
Type of atrocity Other Crimes Against SCs
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 21-Feb-2015
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: LUCKNOW(DP)
State: Uttar Pradesh
Police station Not recorded
Complaint date 22-Feb-2015
FIR date 31-Dec-1969

Case brief

Case summary

Victim was sitting in his house on the day of incident. 6 pm, sharat Chandra and other people came and kidnapped him and brought to their own house. Victim was requesting why and where you are taking me, but no telling to him. After same time they brought to Rajani Misra house. Rajani Misra is a brother of sharat chandra misra. rajani misra is head of Oraw Village Panchayat . Mahanand Pandey’s house is next to victim.  Accused beating bonded to victim and beating him. few minute letter they touching by electric to vicitm. After some time chhabile , the brother of Ramchandar went to there and bring him to own house. Next day also catched to ramchandar and put in room and shut the door. ther after start to beating and abusing . When the knowledge to his brother chhabile , went to incident place and trying to take him, accused beating him too.

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