Dalit Girl Gange rape and Murder in Karnataka Vijayapura District, (Code: KAR/VIJ/2017-03, Date: 19-Dec-2017 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by National Dalit Movement For Justice - NDMJ Karnataka
Case code KAR/VIJ/2017-03
Case year 19-Dec-2017
Type of atrocity Gang Rape
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? Yes

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 19-Dec-2017
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: BIJAPUR(HQ)
State: Karnataka
Police station Not recorded
Complaint date 19-Dec-2017
FIR date 19-Dec-2017

Case brief

Case summary

On dated 19-12-2017 Deceased Dhanamma Hanamanth Shahapur age 15 years pld, Caste Scheduled caste , 9th standarad in sri Mallikarjun High School at Manjunatha nagar near central Jail Vijayapura. on 19-12-2017 Deceased Dhanamma H Shahapur had been School aolng with her cousin as Dhanamma cousin sister was also studying in the same above mentioned school.

Deceased Dhanamma and her cousin sister were walking towards their home on Khaja ameen Darga road. Accused Deepak Mulasavalagi who was studied in the same high school wherein deceased was studying.

Accused deepak Mulasavalagi along with 4-5 persons came by auto and motor cycle scooty. Deepak mulasavalagi, stooped deceased Dhanamma and her cousin sister Anusha sanjiv  Anjutagi he forcefully asked deceased Dhanamma to came with him, deceased Dhanamma and her cousin sister trying to run from there and deceased Dhanamma started scream thereafter accused Deepak Mulasavalagi forcefully dragged her and took her on scooty and the said auto followed scooty. then after deceased Dhanamma H Shahapur was gang rapped and murdered.

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