Dalit girls systematically raped by Yadav Muslim (Code: UP-62 JNP-18, Date: 06-Jul-2020 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by Bhartiya Jan Sewa Ashram
Case code UP-62 JNP-18
Case year 06-Jul-2020
Type of atrocity Rape
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? Yes

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 06-Jul-2020
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: JAUNPUR(DP)
State: Uttar Pradesh
Police station Khuthan
Complaint date 07-Aug-2020
FIR date 07-Aug-2020

Case brief

Case summary

In the service, Mr.Station in-charge Khutahan Jaunpur Sir is requested that the applicant Rajman Gautam son Tilakdhari Ram is a resident of village Khudabandpur police station Khutahan, today on the night of 06/07/2020, my girl Jaya Bharti age is about 17 years and my real brother's girl Anjali Age was about 17 years old, slept on the same cot in the verandah of the house. My wife Mrs. Sarita Devi woke up at around 12.30 pm and saw that my daughter Jaya Bharti and niece Anjali were not on their expansion, after that my wife told me then I also woke up and started searching here and there but could not find

When both the girls came in the morning today, we asked, then both of them told that we had left the house in the night, we asked my girl Jaya Bharti in a leisurely manner, then told that Priyansh Yadav son Arvind Yadav resident Khudabandpur police station Khutahan with me Jabari bad After that, we asked Anjali also, she wept and told that Potaria, resident of Haider son Guddu, has done a bad deed by taking her apart and knowing about the whole thing, I called my elder brother from Varanasi and made him aware of the incident. After that I came to the police station.

Therefore I request you to please take legal action by writing my report.
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