dalit man killed by dominent caste (Code: BR-AR-01, Date: 10-Nov-2014 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by AIDMAM
Case code BR-AR-01
Case year 10-Nov-2014
Type of atrocity Murder
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 10-Nov-2014
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
State: Bihar
Police station Not recorded
Complaint date 10-Nov-2014
FIR date 11-Nov-2014

Case brief

Case summary




Raj Kumar singh was contesting in the PACS election for the post of President. Raj Kumar asked Ravindra Paswan to vote him in the eletion but ravindra Paswan refused and said that he will vote to someone else. One day Raj Kumar called Ravindra Paswan at his house and offered him rupees 500 and asked for his vote, but Ravindra did not take the money and refused his offer.Shankar Paswan was also there at Raj Kumar\'s house when the conversation between Raj Kumar and Ravindra was going on. When Ravindra denied Raj Kumar\'s offer, Raj Kumar thretend him saying that he will have to pay the cost of his behavior in next two days. After two days, When Ravindra was having his dinner, Shankar Paswan and Raj Kumar came and dragged out Ravindra taking him in the field they shot him to death.














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