Dalit Mr. Pattan threaten to kill by Caste Hindu (Code: TN-ERD-2015-044, Date: 13-Oct-2015 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by Social Awareness Society for Youths-SASY
Case code TN-ERD-2015-044
Case year 13-Oct-2015
Type of atrocity Counter case against Dalit/Adivasi
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 13-Oct-2014
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: Erode(DP)
State: Tamil Nadu
Police station Varapalayam
Complaint date 13-Oct-2015
FIR date 14-Oct-2015

Case brief

Case summary

Mr. Pattan (48) S/o Muthan belongs to Dalit community, reside at Periya ottar palayam, Punjai thamarai kulam post, Avinasi Taluk of Erode district of Tamil Nadu. He is working as a daily labourer in local areas. He was elected as a ward member with annampost in the year of 2011 because this ward reserved for dalit. Since he was elected without any other contested. Mr.Subbaravu belongs to Dalit community, he was denied to elected as a ward member. Followed this Mr. pattan was brutally attacked by him two time. He lodged complaint but those cases were closed in the name of Mistake of fact.

On 13.10.2015 he went to Nettu puluyankadu land located at Erode District to pouring water to cows. Mr. Subbaravu came the spot how dalit dog come to my land. He replied that you already soled this land to another person. Hence I got permission from him to shepering my cows her. He was got so angry and scolded in filthy work and he brining knife to kill him. Since he has escaped from that spot and lodged complaint in police station 

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