Dalit youth bruttaly beaten (Code: HR28/18, Date: 28-Oct-2018 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by NDMJ-Haryana
Case code HR28/18
Case year 28-Oct-2018
Type of atrocity Voluntarily causing simple hurt and grievous hurt
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 28-Oct-2018
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: KARNAL(DP)
State: Haryana
Police station Assandh
Complaint date 28-Oct-2018
FIR date 31-Dec-2018

Case brief

Case summary

Goldy threaten to victim for broken the leg and demand the rupees on mobile on dated 26.10.18. on dated 27.10.18 accused’s brother Panjab singh and another a relative reached at victim’s house and demand double rupees and threaten. On dated28.10.18 at approx.6pm accused Goldy, Panjab singh and one unknown again went at victim’s house and inquiry about Rajiv.

Same day at approx. 8.30pm victim Rajiv return back to his home on his Splendor bike after complete his work from village Khijarabad. Yet accused Goldy, Panjab singhand another one catch to victim Rajiv at near Jivan Channa Girls College. Goldy put a cloth (PARNA) in victim’s  neck and went in nearest field. All accused beaten brutally to victim and pressed his neck from PARNA. Therefore victim’s got unconscious but accused trying to kill him and brunt his bike and run away. Some body call to police, police admitted to victim in Govt. hospital Assandh but victim was referred to Kalpana Chawla Hospital Karnal due to seriousness. Where accused also reached, due to fear victim discharged himself on dated 29.10.18.Goldy threaten to victim for broken the leg and demand the rupees on mobile on dated 26.10.18. on dated 27.10.18 accused’s brother Panjab singh and another a relative reached at victim’s house and demand double rupees and threaten. On dated28.10.18 at approx.6pm accused Goldy, Panjab singh and one unknown again went at victim’s house and inquiry about Rajiv.

Same day at approx. 8.30pm victim Rajiv return back to his home on his Splendor bike after complete his work from village Khijarabad. Yet accused Goldy, Panjab singhand another one catch to victim Rajiv at near Jivan Channa Girls College. Goldy put a cloth (PARNA) in victim’s  neck and went in nearest field. All accused beaten brutally to victim and pressed his neck from PARNA. Therefore victim’s got unconscious but accused trying to kill him and brunt his bike and run away. Some body call to police, police admitted to victim in Govt. hospital Assandh but victim was referred to Kalpana Chawla Hospital Karnal due to seriousness. Where accused also reached, due to fear victim discharged himself on dated 29.10.18.



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