Dalit youth Pandiyan Murder by electrocution by Dominant Caste (Code: TN-VLP-2020-0118, Date: 30-Mar-2020 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by Social Awareness Society for Youths-SASY
Case code TN-VLP-2020-0118
Case year 30-Mar-2020
Type of atrocity Murder
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 30-Mar-2020
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: Villupuram(DP)
State: Tamil Nadu
Police station Thirunavalur
Complaint date 31-Mar-2020
FIR date 31-Mar-2020

Case brief

Case summary

Mr. Narayanan is residing in the above mentioned address with his wife along with his four children (2 sons ad 2 daughters). He belonged to the Hindu Arunthathiyar caste (Sub Caste of Scheduled Castes). His elder son Pandiyan (35) has got married and his wife is working as maid in abroad. They have three girl children Priya (10), Janani (8) and Marava (6) respectively. Pandiyan is working as constructional labourer in Chennai and also holding 40 cents of land.

There are only 5 Arunthathiyar families and more than 1000 families belonged to Vanniyar caste (dominant caste) are residing in their village. And most of the Vanniyars are holding acres of land, political leaders and also working in government sector.

Mr. Vengatachalapatty belonged to the Vanniyar caste of the same village is holding land near to Pandiyan’s land. Also Vengatachalapatty is having a four wheeler where he usually goes to Koyambedu market, Chennai for purchasing the groceries and vegetables. Since Pandiyan is also working in Chennai they both have regular contacts and communications.

On 30.03.2020 around 10: 00 he and his son Pandiyan was conversing to each other and Pandiyan got a call. Meantime, Vengatachalapatty had called Pandiyan (9585979145) and had called him to come to the backyard. Pandiyan had gone outside and he didn’t return home even in late night. And Mr. Narayanan had made a call to Pandiyan’s number and his mobile was switched off. And then he slept off.

The next day morning on 31.03.2020 around 7 a.m in the morning Mr. Arumugam, one of relatives of Vengatachalapatty had arrived there and told that his son Pandiyan has been found dead in the reserve land belonged to the forest department. He was shocked and terrified with this news and rushed to the place. Pandiyan was found dead with severe and brutal injuries at his legs; and blood injuries from his ears. Immediately he went to Vengatachalapatty to enquire about the incident since he was the one who had called him the last night (30.03.2020). On the way he found frozen blood in the canals of Vengatachalapatty’s chilly farm.

Subsequently, he had informed the incident to the Police Station and Palani, relative of Vengatachalapatty had told him to take Pandiyan’s body to home and around 8 a.m Pandiyan’s deceased body was brought home. Within few hours, he was asked to come to Vengatachalapatty’s home and Vengatachalapatty’s relatives Seethapathi (60), Marimuthu (55) (grocery shop owner) and Ganesan (50) had verbally abused him in filthy and derogatory language referring to the caste names and threatened him that they are more than 1000 families in the village and the 5 Arunthathiyar families cannot stand against them. They had asked him to immediately conduct the funeral of Pandiyan.

Later about 50 persons of Vengatachalapatty’s family members surrounded Pandiyan’s family and negotiated that they would provide Rs. 3 lakhs to them and forced them to bury the body. They had also asked them not to approach the police in this regard.  Pandiyan’s family refused to get the money and did not agree for their compromise.

Vengatachalapatty’s relative again told that they would immediately give Rs. 50,000 and the remaining amount after the funeral and forced them not to reach the PS. In case if they reach they would burn/set fire on the 5 Arunthathiyar families.

Since Pandiyan’s family members were stern and with the help of their relative Murugan they lodged a complaint at Thirunavallur PS around 4: 30 p.m of the same day. Later the policemen reached his home by 5: 30 p.m and took Pandiyan’s body to Mundiyambakkam Government and Medical College Hospital, Villupuram District for postmortem.

Mr. Arun, S/o Mr. Arulantham, Village Administrative Officer, Nathamoordid not conduct any enquiry or investigation in this case, but made the case as Pandiyan  was electrocuted when he went to catch rabbits and registered the case with the crime number: 235/2020 u/s 147, 201, 304 (ii) IPC, sec 135 (1) (a) IE Act. By the pressure of the dominant caste people in the village the VAO made the case as of electrocution. Pandiyan’s family members went to the Deputy Superintendent of Police and narrated the incident. He then investigated the case and arrested 5 accused persons and imprisoned them.

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