Fact Finding Report ON Brutal attack and public humiliation of Dipak Mallik of Garudgaon, PS- Tangi, Cuttack (Code: OD- 03/06/2021, Date: 31-May-2021 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by Ambedkar Lohia Vichar Manch
Case code OD- 03/06/2021
Case year 31-May-2021
Type of atrocity Intentionally insults or intimidates with intent to humiliate
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 31-May-2021
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: Cuttack District(DP)
State: Odisha
Police station Tangi
Complaint date 01-Jun-2021
FIR date 01-Jun-2021

Case brief

Case summary

An extremely sensitive incident of mass attack, public humiliation by making the victims kneel down and crawl through the public road, physical assault leading to grievous injuries, abuse by caste name on two Dalit youths took place on 31.5.2021 at Safa village under Tangi PS of Cuttack district. The torture and inhuman atrocities were video-graphed and circulated in the social media. This was widely circulated and also covered by mainstream media.

On the day of the incident one dalit youth namely Dipak Mallik of village Garudagaon had gone to a place near Choudwar. There getting the sad news of death of his grandfather he was riding back to his residence hurriedly. In a hurry he did not give side to one upper caste bike riders of Safa village on the way. He was followed and stopped on the road by the upper caste youth Situ Routray, abused by caste name, assaulted physically. Dipak defnded the assault and somehow escaped to his house. Situ Routray mobilised more persons from Safa village over phone. A group of nearly 50mpersons soon gathered near the house of Dipak Mallik; he was forcibly dragged out of his house, abducted to Safa village; there he was beaten black and blue by the group with different weapons leading to severe injuries on his head, ear and eye. He was made to kneel down and crawl on the road. He was robbed of cash and valuable gold ornaments too.

During this atrocious beating, Kabi Mallik, an inhabitant of nearby Bira Chintamanipur (Sasan) village was a passerby. When he was passing the spot of the torture, suddenly Dipak ran to him and sat on his bike to escape. The group caught hold of both assaulted, abused by caste name Kabi Mallik, made him to kneel down and crawl on the road. He was rubbed of some cash and his bike was damaged.

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