Fact Finding Report on Seema Majhi Murder case of Dakshin Dhamra village under Dhamra Marine Police Station Dist- Bhadrak. (Code: OD- 28.07.2021, Date: 14-Jul-2021 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by Ambedkar Lohia Vichar Manch
Case code OD- 28.07.2021
Case year 14-Jul-2021
Type of atrocity Murder
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 14-Jul-2021
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: Bhadrak District(DP)
State: Odisha
Police station Dhamnagar
Complaint date 14-Jul-2021
FIR date 14-Jul-2021

Case brief

Case summary

A minor girl namely Seema Majhi, aged about 15 years, daughter of Karabira Majhi of Dakhin Dhamara under Dhamara Marine PS in the district of Bhadrak was kidnapped by one youth Suresh Lenka alias Gunia, aged about 22 years, son of Aju Lenka of Jamuka village under Dhamra PS on 10.4.21 evening. Suresh belonged to general caste while Seema hailed from SC category. Basing on the written complaint filed by Karabira Majhi and Dosingha PS case no 38 was registered on 10.4.21. The accused was arrested and forwarded to judicial custody U/S 363 IPC. The accused and the victim were produced before the designated court later. Allegedly, the Police officer in charge of the case persuaded the victim to give a false statement so that the accused can be released with the understanding that both shall get married when she attains the marriageable age of 18years. The court passed the order to that the girl shall be handed over to her guardian’s custody by the police. However, the girl went with Suresh to his place with clear knowledge of the police. From that day the girl was staying in the house of the accused.


On 14.7.21, it was learnt by the father of the girl that Seema was murdered.  He immediately rushed to the Dhamra Marine Police Station and lodged complaint. The police proceeded to the spot and necessary steps were taken for post mortem of the body and FIR no 15 was registered under Section 302 IPC; later Sections 376(3)(2)(n), 363, 366, 302 IPC, 6(1) POCSO Act and 3(2)(v) of SC ST PoA Act was added. Suresh Lenka and his father Aju Lenka were arrested and forwarded to jail custody. SDPO, Chandabali also visited the spot. The Post Mortem report has not been received by the police yet. The accused side push it as a story of suicide. A serious allegation is being made by the father of the victim that the police washed the clothes of the victim in detergent powder which may be the design to cover up.


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