Ganesh Samal Murder case at Kandarpur, PS- Athagarh, Dist-Cuttack (Code: OD-07.09.2022, Date: 05-Aug-2022 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by Ambedkar Lohia Vichar Manch
Case code OD-07.09.2022
Case year 05-Aug-2022
Type of atrocity Murder
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? Yes

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 05-Aug-2022
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: Cuttack District(DP)
State: Odisha
Police station Athagarh
Complaint date 05-Aug-2022
FIR date 05-Aug-2022

Case brief

Case summary

The victim family lived in village Kandarpur of Athagarh Block in Kandarpur Gram Panchayat. Gandharba Samal aged 65 lived in the village with his three daughters and one son named Ganesh Samal. All the daughters are married, one of them is married in the same sahi where they live; name of, and her
husband is Bhaabgrahi Nayak. Ganesh, aged about 25 years was a daily labourer. Two persons, namely Niranjan Dalei and Gokulananda Sahu run a poultry farm and they used to call Ganesh for loading and unloading work in the poultry farm. In the village the dalits have a strong presence numerically with more than 100 household. It is alleged by the poultry farm owners that Ganesh was committing theft of chickens at different times.
On 4.8.22 at about 9 PM Ganesh was called and taken by the farm owners, Niranjan and Gokulanand to work in their poultry farm. But Ganesh did not return home till late night. His mother searched for Ganesh and went to the houses of the Farm owners, but neither could she trace Ganesh nor any of the Farm owners. The next day at 6 AM, his family members came to know that the victim was lying dead near Niranjan Dallei's poultry farm, with severe head injuries, cracks and other injuries, and blood oozing out from his body. People suspected that someone killed the victim and threw him there. On 05.08.2022, his family went to Athagarh police station and lodged an FIR.

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