Gangavarapu Babu Rao - Attempt to Murder (Code: TS/RR/5, Date: 12-Jun-2019 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by Dalit Sthree Sakthi
Case code TS/RR/5
Case year 12-Jun-2019
Type of atrocity Other Crimes Against SCs
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? Yes

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 12-Jun-2019
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: Ranga Reddy
State: Telangana
Police station Shadhinagar
Complaint date 12-Jun-2019
FIR date 13-Jun-2019

Case brief

Case summary

Details of the Case:

Gangavarapu Babu Rao,39 years, s/o Bushana Rao, is resident of Singapore Township, Sankarapalli Mandal, Ranga Reddy district.   They belong to S.C. Madiga caste.  Babu’s father is employed in Ordinance factory.   Babu Rao was selected for the post of Havildar in Indian Army in 2004. One Ms. Manikeswari of Jaheerabad also settled in Singapore township in her relative’s house.  She came from Jaheerabad to this place for the purpose of studies.  She hails from O.C Lingayat caste.    That family and Babu Rao’s family are friends and slowly love developed between Babu Rao and Manikeswari.  They got married in 2004.  They got two children, Siva Sai, 13 years, 7th class and Sai Nihar, 11 years, 5th class and both of them are studying in Kendriya Vidyalayam.  Since Babu Rao is transferred and has to work at various places, Manikeswari shifted to his house and stayed there.  Soon she felt bored after the children go to school and hence decided to open a beauty parlour at home.    Whenever, Babu called her on phone it was kept busy.  Her phone used to be busy almost all the time including during night times.  Whenever she spoke also, she used to say that her aunt should be sent out of the house or they should shift to Hyderabad and set up family there.  Thus, on the whole she was showing little interest in her husband and aunt. She used to be on Facebook and Tik Tok all the time and whenever a friend request comes from someone, she used to chat with them and even go with a few of them.  While so Babu Rao retired in 2019 and came back.  He was going around offices with regard to fulfilling the formalities for his pension.  On one of these days, when Babu Rao came home, he found one Mr. Sudheer Reddy and Mr.  Bhaskar, were in the house with his wife.  They are her face book friends.  Then Mr. Babu Rao checked her phone and found many Facebook chatting, call records with many people, including obscene chatting and postings.  Thus, Babu Rao got hands on all evidence of her extra-marital relationships.  In that situation, Sudheer Reddy, Bhaskar and Manikeswari pleaded with Babu Rao to excuse them.  They pleaded that Sudheer and Bhaskar have small children and that his wife is carrying and so on and hence excuse them.  Babu Rao yielded to their pleas and let them go with a warning.  But there was not much change in them and they have been meeting and chatting regularly.  They all felt Babu Rao was an obstacle to their affairs and decided to kill him.  On12-06-2019 at about 9.30 pm. when Babu Rao was returning home after visiting offices in connection with his pension, Sudheer Reddy and Bhaskar pounced on him and attacked him.  They fled away when Babu Rao retaliated.  When he reached home, he found it locked and when he rang up to Manikeswari, she said she was in a function somewhere.  Immediately, Mr. Babu Rao approached Sankarapalli police station and complained on Sudheer Reddy and Bhaskar.


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