Humiliation by abuse with caste name in the public view (Code: ALVM/CTC/1/2017, Date: 22-Jul-2016 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by Ambedkar Lohia Vichar Manch
Case code ALVM/CTC/1/2017
Case year 22-Jul-2016
Type of atrocity Abuses by caste name in any place within public view
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? Yes

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 22-Jul-2016
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: Cuttack District(DP)
State: Odisha
Police station Salipur
Complaint date 24-Jul-2016
FIR date 29-Sep-2016

Case brief

Case summary

On dated 25.07.2016 at about 11:00 a.m. the Marketing Inspector (M.I.) of Salepur Block area namely Himanshu Bhusan Sahoo and another person namely Sania Swain, a local grassroots politician, both of them came to the victim’s house and called the victim’s husband namely Jayadev Mallik. Jayadev was not present at home and Kaushalya Mallik asked, why they were searching for her husband. She told whether there was any work with him. They said that they had come to carry out enquiry for issuance of ration cards. Further they said that their ration card will be cancelled as they have a building. Then the victim said the government has made provision for the SC & ST people why they will cancel the ration card. Suddenly the prime accused i.e. Marketing Inspector Himansu Bhusan Sahoo said “Pana Paluni bi Sarakari Yojna bisayare Janileni, Chhan Gandire Kila Pasigale card nei pheri dei asibe. Paluninka budhi Hajijiba.” (Men and women from Pana caste have known about government schemes. They themselves will return the ration card when they will be taken to task) (The sentences were derogatory with respect to use of caste name, as well as use of obscene language)


The victim was shocked to hear such language from a government servant. Her sister in law was also present. The victim asked, “Why you are talking in such language?” The M.I. and his accompany moved without paying heed to her question.

The victim Kaushalya Mallik lodged a written complaint in the nearby Police Station. But the complaint was not registered as FIR. The complainant and her husband were pressurized to compromise and withdraw the complaint. She was advised by us to send a petition to the Suptd. Of Police, Cuttack, this was sent through registered post on 1.8.16. Still the FIR was not registered. Then a second petition was drafted by us and the victim met the S.P., Cuttack personally on 16.9.16. Basing on the intervention of the S.P. the FIR was registered on 29.9.16.

 Despite all these, the investigation of the case did not follow; neither arrest nor relief was taken up. The victim complained repeatedly with us. Finally a detailed fact finding was done on 4.2.17.

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