Mass Attack and Forcefully taken away Crops from Dalit’s Land, (Code: OD-KP-14, Date: 01-Dec-2015 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by NDMJ Odisha
Case code OD-KP-14
Case year 01-Dec-2015
Type of atrocity
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 01-Dec-2015
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: Kendrapara(DP)
State: Odisha
Police station Nikirai
Complaint date 02-Dec-2015
FIR date 31-Dec-1969

Case brief

Case summary

Kunja Jena, Mini Jena, Binod Jena, Malati Jena,Indramani Jena, Dilip Jena, Kuna Jena, Amar Jena, Manguli Jena all belong to Koro-Gaidua village, PS- Nikirei, Dist- Kendrapara, Odisha have been severely injured and admitted into Medical College, Cuttack on 1.12.2015. The victims were mass attacked by about 200 dominant caste groups on 1st December 2015 at morning hour over a land dispute in presence of police.

On 1st December 2015, at about 10.00am about 200 dominant caste people gathered at the agriculture land which has been cultivated by dalitsand forcefullyharvested the crop in presence of police. The dominant caste communities came prepared to the land possessing all kinds of weapon. This was not tolerated by dalits, the cultivator of the land. They try to protest and shout at dominant caste people. As the dalits communities too try to cut the paddy crop, the dominant caste people attacked them with weapons severely.

On 30th November 2015, police called on a meeting of both Dalits and Dominant communities at Nikirai police station to inform the cultivator of the land (Dalits) that the Endowment Commission has given a decree of the land in favour of   Radha Mohan Jiu Math, hence the crop will be harvested on 10th December and same will be under the custody of Tahasildar and would be decided to whom the crop to be handed over in due course of time.

The disputed land which has been cultivated by Dalits was given by the then king BrajaSundarDev to the forefathers of present cultivators as “Jagir”for beating drum in the temple in the year 1929 which was settled in the name of Dasi Jena, Radhu Jena, Padhei Jena, Nidhi Jena in 2010 by the settlement of officer of DerabishTahasil. The landholders also have been paying revenue for the land since so many years.

Types of injuries faced by the victims:

  1. Kunja Jena            :head injury and fracture on hand
  2. Mini Jena               :head injury
  3. Binod Jena            :Chest injury/breathing problem
  4. Malati Jena            :Head injury
  5. Indramani Jena      :Fracture in the leg
  6. Dilip Jena              :Attacked by axe on right hand
  7. Kuna Jena             :Abdomen Injury
  8. Amar Jena             :Pain in Backbone
  9. Manguli Jena          :Muscular cleavage on hand

Socio economic Background:

Koro-Kaidua village is inhibited by 260 Dalits and 250 upper caste families. Though Dalits are good in numbers, organisationally they are very weak due to lack of unity among different sub caste groups. They don’t sit for a common cause. Majority of the dalits families are landless. Only 2 govt. servants, 2 college students and 15 high school going children are found among 40 victim pano families of the village.

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