Mass Attack by Brahmins on Dalit Hamlet (Code: UP-62 JNP- 05, Date: 07-Aug-2020 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by Bhartiya Jan Sewa Ashram
Case code UP-62 JNP- 05
Case year 07-Aug-2020
Type of atrocity Counter case against Dalit/Adivasi
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 07-Aug-2020
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: JAUNPUR(DP)
State: Uttar Pradesh
Police station Rampur
Complaint date 07-Aug-2020
FIR date 08-Aug-2020

Case brief

Case summary

On 7.8.2020, Dalit victim’s son Rajendra Prasad Gautam’s son Vikram, was shooing away a cow, which was eating the standing crops (Wheat) of his farm. All of a sudden Ravindra Dubey, started hurling caste remarks, and started hitting Vikram. Villagers came to rescue. Rampur police station was informed. After that on 08.08.2020 in the morning at around 9 a.m, Rajendra Prasad was sitting at his home, when people from Brhamin hamlet Rinku Dubey, Anuj Dubey, Vikas Dubey, Ravindra Dubey, Rahul Dubey, and some other anonymous people came as a mob with arms and sticks and started hitting Rajendra Prasad, in which he got gravely injured. When family came to rescue, Radheyshyam gotbadly injured, and got a fracture in his head, and shoulder also got hurt badly. Krishna Kumar’s finger got fractured, and Mahadev’s head also got fractured.


While returning, the Brahmin perpetrators set fire in the Dalit Hamlet, and again gave death threat to all. Victim’s called 100, however they returned back from Brahmin hamlet only.


Somehow, Dalit victims reached Rampur police station, and informed the SHO and demanded justice. After lot of effort, the officer registered the case, and further sent the victim to public health center for medical.


Though victims were gravely injured, but the opposition Brahmin perpetrators filed counter FIR, with Act 308.   



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