mass attack on dalit street houses damage in Karnataka, Mysore District, Nanhanagudu Talluk, Kudlapura Village. (Code: KAR/MYS/2015-03, Date: 22-Apr-2015 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by National Dalit Movement For Justice - NDMJ Karnataka
Case code KAR/MYS/2015-03
Case year 22-Apr-2015
Type of atrocity Abuses by caste name in any place within public view
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? Yes

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 22-Apr-2015
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
State: Karnataka
Police station Kavalande
Complaint date 23-Apr-2015
FIR date 23-Apr-2015

Case brief

Case summary

Kuldapura Village is in habited by two comemunites which are one community is scheduled caste (Holeya) another community is uppara communities 800 peoples familes are belongs to upparas and 80 famities belongs to scheduled caste (holeya) this village to comes from the jurisication of Cowlande police station distance 6 kms from the village It becomes to Nanjangud taluk and mysore district.
         In this village (Kudlapura) a girl Archan belongs to SC (Holeya) married with Vijay (SC) in nanjangud But Archana eloped with her lover Raghavendra (espaed) But in Kudlapura village various leaders of SC and UPPARA community gathering and discussing each other to replacement of (settelement) Archana and vijay. this was settlement was settled by tow community leaders each other  according to settlement the UPPARA community should give 2,25,000/- is already given and also promised to give remaining amount after one month recording to above dated settlement SC community leaders one went away to ask amount of ruppes UPPARA community conflict betaken two communities UPPARA communities enter in to SC colony 200 people of UPPARA communities team enter in to Holeya\'s colony there stone on the roof of the these and collapesed SC\'s houses in 22/04/201 all gents & Ladies departure the village (Kudlapura).
1) K.B. Nagaraju S/o Late Basavaiah,  2) Nagaraju S/o Basavaiah,  3) Padmanabaiah S/o Basavaiah  there are 30 honses are collapsed by OBC (UPPARA\'S) communities case registered on the case 39/2015, IPC 1860, 143, 144, 145, 448, 437, 504, 506, 149 SC/ST (POA)
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