Murder of A Dalit Farmer , Burnet dead body (Code: UP/22-09-2020/01, Date: 25-Mar-2020 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by NDMJ-UP
Case code UP/22-09-2020/01
Case year 25-Mar-2020
Type of atrocity Murder
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 25-Mar-2020
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
State: Uttar Pradesh
Police station MIGAL GANJ
Complaint date 25-Mar-2020
FIR date 29-Mar-2020

Case brief

Case summary

Murder of a Dalit Farmer , Burnet dead body by Accused 


Late Sarvesh kumar s/o Shivraj was a farmer . he was  two brothers and Sarvesh was younger brother . he was 42 years old. he has approxmately 30 bhigha land and their family is depend on the farming and they urning well by farming .One day  before the incident  disputed with victim family and accused , then after accused threatened to kill him. 

the date of Incident Victim went to his farm and cutting to grass for the animals at the time of 2 pm . after the 2-3 hours he did not got back his house , the family of Sarvesh were starting to searching him at the time of 5 pm. when they reached theirown land they saw to burning sugarcanof the victim. they searched there and found the dead body was burning also with the sugar can . 

they took the body out and tried to addmitted to Victim Sarvesh but not success because there was lock down period . they inform to Police .

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