Physical Assualt of A Dalit Women (Code: BH-GA-03, Date: 19-Nov-2016 )

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Case posted by AIDMAM Bihar
Case code BH-GA-03
Case year 19-Nov-2016
Type of atrocity Destroys damages or defiles any object generally known to be held sacred or in high esteem
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 19-Nov-2016
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: Gaya(DP)
State: Bihar
Police station Guraru
Complaint date 19-Nov-2016
FIR date 19-Nov-2016

Case brief

Case summary

Fafar village is located in Gaya district of Bihar state. In this village there are two categories of community is residing: OBCs and SCs. Dalits (SC) are financially weak and no land for them. So the people from OBC are dominant there and keep on exploiting the Dalits in the village. As Dalits are of poor financial status and have poor education qualification they can not raise their voice for the domination and atrocities. Particulary women of Dalit community are very often subjected to exploitation by the dominant group. Almost all the officials of Fafar village not capable of carry out the responsibility assigned to them agains the dominant caste. The SC colony is so polluted due to sewage water flow from the dominant caste houses. Even though the village head belongs to Dalit community he is just a mere puppet of the dominant group of the village and not able to do anthing regarding the existing problem of Dalits. Whatver the problems happen to Dalit women the head will be watching and does not take any steps same happened to this case also where a Dalit woman ws physically harassed by the

Victim Minta Devi aged 35 years old, w/o Ajay Paswan residing in the Village Fafar, PO&PS- Guraru; Gaya district of Bihar state. She has three children two boys and a girl.She carries out labour work along with house keeping for her daily wage.

Like every other days, on 19-11-2016 at 7:00 am victim Minta Devi was sweeping her house and patio. She noticed the sewage water (mixed with cow dung and cow urine) is coming from Ramraj Yadav house to Minta Devi’s door step, also a large amount of cow dung is kept near the door step of victim Minta Devi. Minta Devi objected to this to Syama Devi w/o Ramraj Yadav and questioned why you have done that in our house. On this Ramraj Yadav abused victim in a filthy language. Immediately Minta Devi objected her for using abusive language. By hearing this accused Syama Devi made generic comment and said you stupid Harijan, how dare you to teach us how to talk and keeping on abusing her; victim was also resisting to their comments for a while. Due to her resistance, the whold family came and attacked her. She has been physically attacked by Ramraj Yadav, Randhir Yadav s/o Ramraj Yadav, Syama Devi w/o Ramraj Yadav and Nilu Devi d/o Ramraj Yadav. They did not stop with that. Nilu Devi D/o Ramraj Yadav brought a sharp javelin and tried to attack on victim’s neck; victim stopped the attack by her right hand and got a deep cut on her right hand finger. She was screaming and trying to escape from their clutter but was not able to free herself.

Whe she screamed loudly Minta Devi’s husband Ajay Paswan woke up as he was sleeping and came out from his house and rushed to rescue his wife from accused’s clutter, but he was also beaten up very badly by accused family.Many villagers were watching the incident as mere spectators but only 4-5 peoplecome forth to stop them and to free the victims. After being freed up victim Ajay Paswan lifted her wife and went inside the house and closed the door from inside. The perpetrators didn’t stop here, they even followed them to their door step and started breaking the door and abusing them, they also threaten them to come out from the house otherwise they will burn the victim’s house.

The victims Ajay Paswan and Minta Devi sneek out from the back door and rushed to Guraru police station. The police station incharge asked them to wait for station accountant as he was not there. After a while victim Ajay Paswan and Minta Devi saw that accused Ramraj Yadaw, Randhir Yadav s/o Ramraj Yadav, Syama Devi w/o Ramraj Yadav, Nilu Devi d/o Ramraj Yadav and Ranjay / Gaya Yadav nephew of Ramraj Yadav are coming on the bike to police Station. Accused Ramraj Yadav and Syama Devi registered their case immediately as soon as they arrived police station whereas the Ajay family was made to wait to register the case. After registering the accused case the victim’s case was registered. Ranjay / Gaya Yadav, nephew of Ramraj Yadav is quite close to police, due to his influence the police did not register victims’ case at first hand.After the FIR, victim Minta Devi was sent to Guraru government hospital for treatment.

On 24-11-2016 Ajay Paswan phoned Rajit Kumar – DHRD and informed him about the incident. After getting the information the FF team went to Fafar village on 25-11-2016. The FF team finds that, there is street road of 10 feats in between accused Ramraj Yadav and victim Minta Devi’s house but till date no sewage channel has been constructed. About 6 feats of street have been encroached by Ramraj Yadav; apart from this, on the remaining street accused family flow out the sewage water from their house.

The fact finding team also digged the other information that there was a similar incident happened six months back 19.11.2016 before this incident, the two family had the dispute for the matter of sewage water. Then the victim Minta Devi made complaint in the police station. But accused Ramraj bribed the police officilas and closed the case. But could not receive much information on the previous case.

So far police have not made any arrest regarding this present case, neither did the victim receive any compensation from the administration. The police have registered the case for the name sake. The police process has been diluted by Mr.  Ranjay / Gaya Yadav due to which the police is not taking the case seriously.

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