Rape of Sujjita Mallik (Name Changed) of Dhumat Sasan, Nikirai, Kendrapada, Odisha (Code: OD-14-03-2023, Date: 02-Mar-2023 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by Ambedkar Lohia Vichar Manch
Case code OD-14-03-2023
Case year 02-Mar-2023
Type of atrocity Rape
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? Yes

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 02-Feb-2023
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: Kendrapara(DP)
State: Odisha
Police station Nikirai
Complaint date 03-Mar-2023
FIR date 03-Mar-2023

Case brief

Case summary

Dhumat Sasan is a revenue village under Nikirai police station of Kendrapada block.
Out of 15 Scheduled Caste families living in this village, the victim's family is the
only family belonging to the Kandra caste. On 02.03.2023 preparations were being
made in the village for Astaprahari. Ramakanta Mallik resides in the house adjacent
to the Astaprahari mandap. At about 8:00 p.m., one person, namely Chintu Mallik,
who was engaged in the work of erecting the tent for the function went to the house
of Ramakanta Mallik and asked for a glass of water to drink. 13 year old daughter of
Ramakanta, namely Sujita went near the door with water. Finding her alone, Chintu
put his hand over the mouth of the girl and abducted her to an abandoned house near
the canal bandh which is surrounded by Chakhunda trees (Chakhunda bana). The
accused bound the mouth with a cloth, disrobed her under garment and raped her. In
the meantime, the victim's parents were trying to search for her everywhere, but did
not get her anywhere. They also asked in this regard to the owner of the tent house,
Kalia Mallik to which Kalia expressed his ignorance. At about 10.30 PM Akash,
brother of the victim located the girl in unconscious condition in the nearby
chakhunda forest. She was brought back to senses by sprinkling water. At about
12.30 am. The police reached the spot after getting information about the incident.
She was taken to hospital with information to the Police. Nikirei PS case no 81 was
registered on 03.03.2023 under Sections 376DA IPC with 6 POCSO Act. Notably,
the victim and the accused, both belong to SC community. On the next day on
04.03.2023 statements under 164 CrPC were recorded in the court and accused was
arrested and sent to jail.

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