Rape With Minor Dalit Girl (Code: UP-BSB-22, Date: 16-May-2015 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by NDMJ-UP
Case code UP-BSB-22
Case year 16-May-2015
Type of atrocity Rape
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 16-May-2015
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: VARANASI(DP)
State: Uttar Pradesh
Police station Cholapur
Complaint date 16-May-2015
FIR date 16-May-2015

Case brief

Case summary

Date of  16.5.2015 , Victim Priya (name changed) was went to Bathing in a Water Minor Canal in Near of Her Home as Regulary. The Date of Incident Victim Went to Bathing in that Canal. In the Canal level of Water was  one  feet only. When she Bathing One Accused Came to her near and Catched her. That Person  mouth was binding by the Plaid (Towel) .He catched her and took her awar from canal and  raped .After this The Accused  threatened to the Vicitm \\\'s  little sister sanjana to stop her mouth and do not say to other about this case and said to run away from there .  those sisters sanajana and savitri are sisters of Vicitm Preeti. than savitri and sanjanaa  eloped and were going to under groung near the canal .after some time Preeti  was crying  and comming . they returning to their home back.

On 16th May 2015, a Dalit minor girl Priya (name changed) 8 years old was brutally attacked and raped by dominant caste man from Village-Niyardeeh, PS- Cholapur, Tahseel- Pindara, District- Varanasi. After receiving information regarding the gruesome incident, Mr. Ram Dular (DHRD – NDMJ) along with 2 advocates and 1 other DHRD conducted a Fact Finding visit to the place of incident and the concerned village on 21-05-2015, in order to record the existing situation and take up the required interventions. 

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