ST girl was Raped and Murdered in the Rengali block of Sambalpur district (Code: OD-SA-05, Date: 27-Feb-2015 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by OROSA
Case code OD-SA-05
Case year 27-Feb-2015
Type of atrocity Murder
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 27-Feb-2015
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: Sambalpur District(DP)
State: Odisha
Police station Rengali
Complaint date 27-Feb-2015
FIR date 27-Feb-2015

Case brief

Case summary

Sima Oram aged about 15 years old; daughter of Bhuban Oram and Nandini Oram of Dhodachuan village of Rengali Block under Rengali police station of Sambalpur district was raped and murdered by the Bhisma Ranabida, aged about 27 years old of Vursipalli village of Rengali Block.

The victim Sima Oram was studying in 8th STD in the Lahamani High school during the class 10th Examination all the classes were suspended. Sima belongs to Scheduled Caste and Below Poverty Line (BPL) so she started to earn and support her family members by working in a brick cline in this vacancy period.  For carrying load of 1000 bricks the labourer paid Rs.100 as remuneration. Sima goes to the labour work with her friend Anita Oram which is 3 Km away from her house.  They go for work at early morning 5 Am and return back by 11 Am , they took their lunch and again went for work at 2 Pm and return back by 5:30 Pm. On 27/02/2015 Sima along with Anita went for work and returning back to their house at around 1:30 Pm passing the Patlay Bandabhal Jungle one boy suddenly came out from the jungle and pulled Anita’s hand and forcefully lie down and attempted to murder her by strangling chocked her neck. At that time Anita told to Sima for run fast to leave this place and suddenly she tried to bit him and escape from him and ran faster towards her home. But she did not found Sima in the road so she was afraid and called some of people from nearby village and tried to search Sima in the Jungle. All the people were searched Sima but nobody found her in the meantime Anita’s leg got tangled in the bush and felled down she saw the  body of the victim drenched with blood then she called all the people to come and took the dead body to the police station. The dead body sent to the Burla hospital for the post mortem. From the incident spot the police seized two mobile phones, one ladies bicycle and one saree.  The parents lodged an FIR in the Rengali police station. The police started their investigation and caught some of the people suspected and called Anita to the police station for identifying the perpetrator. After the identification the accused accepted his confess in front of all and police arrested to the accused and prepared charge sheet and forwarded to the court. 

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