Total records:1318

Rape with 11 year old Dalit Girl in Una - HP

    यह घटना जिला ऊना की तहसील अम्ब में पड़ते गांव सघनई की है. इस गांव में रविन्द्र कुमार सपुत्र मणि राम रहता है जो की चमार जाति से सम्बंधित है. रविंन्द्र मजदूरी का काम करता है. इसके दो बच्चे है बड़ा बेटा और छोटी बेटी प्रियंका जिसकी उम्र 11 वर्ष की है और वह चौथी कक्षा में पड़ती है जिसका स्कुल घर से दो कि०मी० की दुरी परा है. स्कुल के रास्ते में ही सुशील कुमार उर्फ़ पप्पी सपुत्र कशमीर सिंह जाति राजपूत और जिसकी उम्र ४३ वर्ष है वह इसी गांव से सम्बंधित है वह जनरल स्टोर की दूकान करता है उसके साथ इसी गांव का अनिल कुमार उर्फ़ गिरीश जाति राजपूत उम्र 28 वर्ष भी उसके साथ दूकान पर बैठता था. जब प्रियंका अपने स्कुल को जा रही थी तो इन दोनों ने उसे टोफियाँ देने के बहाने दूकान में बुलाया और कोलड्रिंक में नशीला पदार्थ मिलाकर उसके साथ बलात्कार किया वह दो दिन तक ऐसा ही करते रहे. उन्होंने प्रियंका को जान से मारने की धमकी दी की वह इस के बारे में अपने घर में किसी को भी ना बताये. 07/06/13 को सुशील कुमार उर्फ़ पप्पी रविन्द्र के घर गाय खरीदने के बहाने आया. प्रियंका ने उसे पहचान कर सारी घटना के बारे में अपनी मम्मी वह अपनी चाची को बताया फिर प्रियंका की चाची ने उसके माता पिता को साथ लेकर घटना बारे पुलिस को बताया और दोनो दोषियों के खिलाफ मामला दर्ज करवाया. 

  • Posted by: NDMJ - Himachal Pradesh
  • Fact finding date: Not recorded
  • Date of Case Upload: 22-04-2014



Dalit Lady beaten by Rajputs

    यह घटना जिला ऊना में पड़ते गांव डगेडा की है. इस गांव में हरिदास सपुत्र स्व: गुरदास राम रहता है जो की चमार जाति से सम्बंधित है. हरिदास ड्राईवर का काम करता है. हरिदास की पत्नी सुनीता देवी जो की इसी गांव में मंनरेगा में काम करती है. इस परिवार के पास खेती करने के लिए थोड़ी सी ही ज़मींन है. हरिदास के खेत के साथ उसके चाचा का भी खेत था जो कि उसने इसी गांव के विशन दास सपुत्र चिंता राम जाति राजपूत को बेच दिया. हरीदास के खेत की मेंढ़(हद्द) विशन दास के खेत के साथ लगती है जिसकी वजह से हर आये दिन विशन दास हरीदास पर झूठा इल्जाम लगाता रहता है की उसकी ज़मींन हरीदास ने दबा रखी है. हरी दास ने दो बार अपनी ज़मींन की पैमाइश करवाई जिसमे विशनदास झूठा पाया गया. 01/08/13 को हरी दास की पत्नी सुनीता देवी मनरेगा से छुट्टी करने के बाद अपने खेत में मक्की की फसल से घास निकाल रही थी. हरीदास ने अपने खेत मेंढ़(हद्द) पर जगली  जानवरों को रोकने के लिए लकड़ी के डन्ड़ो की बाड़ लगा रखी थी जब सुनीता देवी अपने खेत में काम कर रही थी तभी वहाँ पर विशन दास अपने भाइयो वह उनके लड़को सहित खेत में आया और दराट से लगाई हुई बाड को काटने लगा जब सुनीता देवी ने इसका विरोध किया तो वे सभी मिलकर उसे पीटने लगे और कहने लगे कुत्तो चमारो हमारे खेत पर कब्जा करते हो जब सुनीता देबी जोर जोर से चिल्लाई तभी उसका जेठ वेड प्रकाश अपने घर से भाग आया और सुनीता को उनके चुंगल से छुड़ाकर अपने घर ले गया लेकिन वे सभी वेद प्रकाश के घर पहुँच गए और कहने लगे कुत्तोयो चमारो निकालो बाहर आज तुम सब को जान से मार देंगे. थोड़ी देर बाद वे सब वहां से चले गए तो सुनीता देवी ने जंगल के रास्ते से होते हुए थाना सदर ऊना में अपनी शिकायत दर्ज करवाई.   

  • Posted by: NDMJ - Himachal Pradesh
  • Fact finding date: Not recorded
  • Date of Case Upload: 22-04-2014



Dalit children taken poison because of Insulted by Non Dalits since she was tried to commit suicide

    4 School Children studying 5th Std attempted Suicide as they were disappointed over Cancellation of the Annual Day Cultural Programme

    1. Pavithra(10), D/o Ganesan, 2. Kavya (9), D/o Murugan, 3. Vidhya (9) D/o Vijay kumar, 4. Divya D/o Murugan, are residing in Aanathur village, Ulundurpet taluk, Villupuram district.  All the four children are studying 5th Std in the Panchayat Union Primary School, located in their village. Among the four students Divya belongs to Dalit Paraiyar community and rest of the students belongs to caste Hindu Vanniyar community. Parents of the students are poor and they are daily wage labourers.

    Every year Annual day cultural programmes were conducted in the school. For the current year annual day function was scheduled on 04/04/2014. Pavithra, Kavya, Vidhya and Divya have planned to participate in the dance programme. They were practicing dance for a song which has lyrics like parai in it and they are also rehearsing for Kolaattam dance. Their parents bought them clothes and make up kits worth Rs. 2000 for each children. Pavithra is very talented girl, who participates in all the cultural programmes and win prizes. As Pavithra was participating in the cultural programme, her parents who were working in a brick kiln in another village took leave to see their daughter’s performances.

    Since the song having lyrics like parai (which is traditional music of Paraiya community), cadres of caste Hindu Political party Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) namely Sathriyan s/o Mahalingam and Elaiyaraja s/o Kutty Kounder, objected to the dance programme for this song and threatened that they will hurl stones if the school HM stage the dance programme. They threatened the Head Master of the school saying PMK leader Kaadu Vetti Guru is the chief guest for the Annual day function, hence they will protest if the dance programme for the song is allowed to be staged. Fearing attacks on the Children, around 12.30 pm School Head Master Mr. Iyyappan cancelled the Annual day function.

    Pavithra, Kavya, Vidhya and Divya felt disappointed due to the cancellation of the programme and they decided to commit suicide. They bought rat poison from the medical shop for Rs.6 and bought a vegetable biriyani parcel. They came back to the school campus, mixed the rat poison with the food and ate it. Pavithra who felt hungry ate more poisoned mixed food. Around 2.30 pm Pavithra started vomiting and felt dizzy. On noticing the condition of Pavithra, her elder sister Deepa took her to the house in the bi-cycle. Pavithra’s parents immediately took her to the Eruvelapattu Primary Health Centre where Pavithra was given first aid. Later she was taken to the Villupuram Mundiampakkam Government college hospital for medical treatment.

    Later Kavya, Vidhya and Divya revealed that they took rat poison. They told that Pavithra had more poison mixed food. Other 3 children were also admitted in the hospital for medical treatment. On 06/04/2014, Thiruvennainallur Police station Sub Inspector Mr. Kolanjiappan conducted an enquiry and got signatures of the parents in the blank paper. The police department failed to register a case and the PMK party cadres who threatened to hurl stones, the School HM who cancelled the function without taking the children to confidence was not implicated regarding this abet to sucide.


    1. All the four students who were enthusiastic to participate in the Annual day cultural programme, were disappointed as the programme was cancelled due to lyrics/content of the song that they have chosen. They decided to commit suicide due to humiliation and disappointment. They bought rat poison and mixed with the food and ate it.

    2. Pavithra who had more poisoned mixed food, started vomiting and developed dizziness. On noticing her condition her elder sister Deepa took her to the house. Pavithra’s mother took her to the Primary Health Centre and then to the Mundiampakkam Government Hospital.

    3. As other three students told that they had poison mixed food, they were also taken to the hospital for medical treatment.

    4. PMK cadres objected to airing of the dance programme of a particular song which has lyrics/words Parai in it (Parai is the traditional musical instrument of the paraiyar community). They threatened the School HM that they will hurl stones if they stage the dance programme for the song.

    5. School Head Master Mr. Iyappan, fearing attacks on the children, cancelled the Annual day function, leading to the disappointment of the 4 students and their suicide attempt.

    6. The Thiruvennainallur Police station Sub Inspector Kolanjiappan got the signatures of the parents in a blank white paper. He was found to be negligent to register a case regarding this suicide attempt.


    1. District Administration should provide compensation and ensure proper medical assistance to the children in order to avoid any future health issues.

    2. Disciplinary action should be initiated against the Police Sub Inspector Kolanjiappan who was negligent to file an FIR regarding this case and who took the signatures of the parents to fabricate the suicide attempt.

    3. Cadres of the PMK Political party who threatened to hurl stones raising objections to the dance programme of the song, leading to the cancellation and subsequent suicide attempt of the children should be implicated for abet to suicide.

    4. The District and School Administration should ensure the scheduling of the Annual day function at the earliest and ensure the participation of the students performing the dance programme for the same song.

    5. School Head Master Iyyappan, who failed to pacify the students and ignored their sentiments and emotions, should be implicated. He should have reported the threat to the police station and should have sought protection instead of cancelling the programme.

    6. District Police Department should implicate the Murugan Medical Shop owner Iyyappan who sold rat poison to the minor children without making proper enquiry.  

  • Posted by: Social Awareness Society for Youths-SASY
  • Fact finding date: Not recorded
  • Date of Case Upload: 21-04-2014


1) Fact finding report 

Vadakkumangudi Election Riot

    Vadakku Mangudi Village is in Kumaratchi Block, Chidambaram Taluk, Cuddalore district. In this Village, 100 Dalit Paraiyar families are residing alongside the residential area of 400 Caste Hindu Vanniyar community families. Livelihoods of the Dalits are mostly depends on the Vanniyars. During the 16th Lok Sabha election, Thol. Thirumaavalavan, the leader of the Viduthulai Chiruthaihal Katchi (VCK) a Dalit Political Party contested the election in alliance with Dravida Munnetra Kalagam (DMK) under the election symbol Ring. Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK), Vanniyar caste Hindu Political Party contested the election in alliance with BJP under the election symbol Mango. For smooth functioning of the election, two election booths were setup in this village, one at the Vanniyar residential area and another at Dalit residential area. On 24/04/2014 of the election date, Caste hindu Vanniyars belongs to PMK Party, on knowing that the Dalits are mostly casting their votes in favour of VCK party, came to the polling station located on the Dalit area and asked Dalits to vote for the Mango symbol of PMK Party. When some Dalits objected to this canvas underscoring that as per the election rules no one should engage in canvassing at the polling station during the election timing. But the Vanniyars of PMK party ignored those objections and intimidated the Dalits to vote for Mango symbol. Again some Dalits objected to this saying,  we have not indulged in vote canvassing in the polling station located in Vanniyar infested area and why you people are visiting our poling station and canvassing votes. The intolerant and infuriated maintained calm for while until the end of the polling and plotted to orchestrate mass atrocity on Dalits.

    On the same day evening around 7pm, as planned, the Vanniyars shut down the power connections to the Dalit settlements and immediately a mob of around 100 Vanniyars carrying deadly weapons like wooden logs, iron rods, sickles and knives stormed into the Dalit colony. The mob, on entering the Dalit colony attacked the Dalits with deadly weapons and ransacked Dalit houses and their properties. This mob led by Kumar s/o Rama Amirtham and under the instigation of the V.R.G. Pandiyan s/o Govindasamy, Senthil Kumar s/o Ramamoorthy, destroyed 2 Tata AC vehicles and 5 motor bikes. They torched a Dalit house one belongs to Kabilan. During the mass atrocity, the mob verbally abused the Dalits referring derogatory regarding caste name, saying you paraiya prostitutes why you need voting rights? Rama Amirtham ordered the fellow mob to ransack the properties and to assault all the people. Hence the Dalits immediately informed the local Annamalai Nagar Police station regarding this mass atrocity. But the Annamalai Nagar Police personnel who were biased towards the caste hindus, failed to repond to the calls of the Dalits. Then they alerted the Deputy Superintendent of Police, and Cuddalore District Collector with the help of the Dalits living in the neighboring hamlet.

    10 dalits were severely injured in this mass atrocity. Paapaa (80) w/o Sivakolunthu and Gurunathan (56), were admitted in the Puducherry JIPMER hospital. Nahuraan (70), Thattaan (80), Puratchivili (70) and Rani were admitted in the Chidambaram Government Hospital. Palani (70) and Puratchi Dasan (29) were admitted in the Cuddalore Government Hospital. Ravi (40) and Iyyappan (26) s/o of Rasappan, are getting medical treatment as outpatients.

    Annamalainagar Police station filed FIR No.114/2014 U/s 147,148, 323, 324, 307, 379, 436 and 3 of PPD Act r/w 3(1)(x) of SC/ST PoA Act, 1989. The police have arrested 24 people belongs to Vanniyar community regarding this atrocity. Nearly 70 police personnel were deployed in the Vadakku Mangudi Village to ensure the protection of Dalits. According to the victims, the main culprits who instigated and orchestrated this atrocity were not arrested and they were roaming around the village without fear. The tension prevailed in the village as the caste Hindus want to avenge the arrest of nearly 23 caste Hindu Vanniyar perpetrators. This is not the first time that the Vadakku Mangudi Dalits are subjected to such atrocity. They were subject to physical hurt, discrimination and untouchability practice in the past. But this is the first time they were subject to such mass atrocity.

    Later Mr. Palani  s/o Ayyakannu and Mrs. Paapa w/o Sivakolunthu  succumbed to their injuries and died on 17/05/2014 and on 22/05/2014 respectively. Hence Section 302 of IPC was added along with sections 3(1)(r), 3(1)(s), 3(1)(o), and 3(2)(Va). Following the death of the two Dalits, a peace meeting was convened at the District Headquarter by the Chidambaram Deputy Superintendent of Police. During the meeting the Dalits submitted many petitions to ensure their peaceful survival and to live with dignity. The Dalits have placed 10 requests and expected the District Administration to fulfill their demands.

    1)  Removal of encroachments by the Vanniyars on the Dalit Cremation ground.

    2) Ban on - firing crackers; throwing flowers and garlands on the Dalit streets and on the Dalit houses; and playing drums residential area of the Dalits, during the death procession of Vanniyars.

    3) Fencing of the Dalit Cremation ground.

    4) Provision of 2 acres of land for the families of the deceased.

    5) Provision of compensation under as per the provisions of the SC/ST prevention of Atrocities Act, 1989.

    6) Setting up part time PDS shop in the residential area of the Dalits.

    7) Changing the location of Vanniyar Cremation ground, which is located close to the residential area of the Dalits.\\

    8) Reclamation of the housing patta obtained from Mr. Kathirvel by the Vanniyar community man Mr. Rajendran.

    9) Arresting the remaining perpetrators who were involved in the commission of mass atrocity against Dalits.

    10) Provision of alternate residential place for the Dalits.

    Vadakku Mangudi Dalits staged a protest surrendering their ration card to the District Collector, due to negligence of the government to arrest all the perpetrators and the instigators and also for non-provision of their requests.

    1) Changing the location of Cremation Ground belongs to Vanniyar community located near the residential area of Dalits. This cremation ground is bone of attention between the two communities and leading to violence against Dalits of Vadakku Mangudi village.

    2) Reclamation of the Cremation ground and providing road to the ground and complete fencing of the cremation ground. The Cremation ground of Dalits is located nearly 1.5 kms away from their residential area. Even the road to the cremation ground is illegally occupied by the caste Hindu Vanniyars and nearly 1 acre and 14 cents of the cremation land is occupied by Vanniyars. Hence Dalits are seeking reclamation of the occupied and wants the fencing of the cremation ground.

    3) Setting up part time PDS ration shop in the residential area of the Dalits.

    4) To start a new Adi Dravidar school at the Dalit residential area.

    5) Construction of new community hall for the Dalits as their area is often flooded during the rainy season.

    6) Provision of alternate road facility for their residential area and formation of new election booth for the Dalits of Vadakku Mangudi village ensuring their safety and security.

    The caste Hindus who could not tolerate the assertion of Dalits, boastfully vow to take revenge for the humility and to go to jail after murdering the Dalits. The Dalits continued to live in constant fear.

    Again on 07/07/2014 around 8 pm, Sanjiv Gandhi (23), s/o Chandrakasu, who was carrying food from Keeripalayam to Vadakku Mangudi, was intercepted at Vadakku Mangudi by caste Hindu Vanniuyar community men namely Ganesha Moorthy, Durai, Prabhakaran and other men. The perpetrators attacked Sanjiv Gandhi with sickles and destroyed the Television Box carried by him and fled the scene. Later Sanjiv Gandhi was rushed to the Chidambaram Kamaraj Government hospital and was receiving medical treatment.

    Following this episode, again on 08/07/2014, around 8.30 am Santhosh while he was on his way to the school, at Keelthukudi Valavu road, he was intercepted by Vanniyar community men namely Saravanan, Ayyappan and two other men. They asked which standard he was studying and he replied that he was studying 10th standard. They ridiculed him commenting about his height, saying very short Paraiyan studying 10th standard. Santhosh managed to escape from their clutches and started walking towards the school. After a little while, two Vanniyar youths who were wearing mask, carrying iron rods and sickles, again stopped him and torn his uniform shirt with a blade. Santhosh pegged them to leave him, the two perpetrators beaten him with the iron rods on his back. When Santhosh collapsed due to the pain, the perpetrators pierced the pointed part of the sickle on his chest. As the students gathered in that place, the perpetrators ran away from the place of incident.

    The students while they were carrying Santhosh to the Dalit residential area, Santhosh mother Aruloli, who was working on the agricultural field along with 7 other women, noticed this and was heartbroken seeing the wound and the condition of her son. As crowd gathered, Aruloli scolded the Vanniyars for this assault. Among the crowd some 10 Vanniyars abused them and attacked Punithavathi w/o Munuswamy on her back head. This incident happened infront of the police personnel who were deployed to provide security for the Dalits in the Vadakku Mangudi village. Santhosh and Punithvathi were taken to the Chidambaram Government Hospital for medical assistance.

    Around 11 am, some of the Vanniyar Community men, burnt down Sathosh’s house and another house belongs to a Dalit. These two houses were burnt completely. All their properties and belonging were lost during this arson. The houses were estimated at Rs. 30,000 and cash amount Rs. 6000 and all the utensils were estimated at Rs. 25000. Now Santhosh family is left with nothing to survive. The Dalit people are continue to live in fear even though police personnel were deployed for their security. 

  • Posted by: Social Awareness Society for Youths-SASY
  • Fact finding date: Not recorded
  • Date of Case Upload: 21-04-2014




1) Vadakkumangudi Report 

Harassment leading to suicidal death

    On dated 13 -11-2013 at vill. Chora tehsil  gharonda distt. Karnal a dispute  happened between shivam  s/o sh. Ram pal caste chamar  & monu, sonu s/o jai singh & parveen s/o Ram kishan caste gadaria . Both of Groups givan complaint to  police station gharonda. But dominant sarpunch rajender khurana caste Punjabi  call a panchyat   in vill. Chora on dated 23-11-13.  Where sarpunch rajender khurana given order to accused parveen,  sonu& monu for beaten with shoes  on head of victims therefore  accused parveen,  sonu& monu  beaten with shoes  on head of victims ram pal , shivam , parveen seven times in vill. Panchyat. sarpunch rajender khurana also given order that  they will drawn the line on land with their nose seven times.

    So victims ram pal , shivam , parveen  drawn the line on land with their nose seven times under pressure of  sarpunch & accused. sarpunch also give order that victims family also doing work as a sweeper in mortuary  for ten days & also taken a granter from victim side  Ratan Lodha  will given fine Rs 1.50 Lakh if victims repeat his mistake in future . on dated  15-12-13 Approx 6 pm accused sonu, monu  Parveen , krishan, ravi ,S/o Suresh R/o Bassi & Renu again insulted & trying to attack on victim shivam & karambir .Due to this incident shivam was in depression  & he also mention to his father that after this incident my life is not meaning full now.So shivam Suicide on dated  17-12-13 at approx 10-11 am.

  • Posted by: NDMJ - DELHI
  • Fact finding date: Not recorded
  • Date of Case Upload: 18-04-2014

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