Total records:1318

Dalit family beaten by non dalits and abused by caste

    The incident is of Jakheda village which is in Unna district. This village is situated 15km far from the district head quarter. In the village 200 Chamar family, 4 Julah families, 75 balmiki family, 700 brahmin family and 1 Rajput family are staying.

    Bariyum Singh, age-65, stays in the village and belongs to schedule caste (Chamar). On May 12, 2013, Nephew of Bariyum Singh was getting married. The procession of bridegroom had gone to Behdala village, Mangat Ram alias Sonu  a Brahmin was also with the bridegroom, who was invited by the groom and is also from the same village Jakheda. During the ceremony Bariyum Singh’s Son in law Rajinder Kumar (35) was sleeping because of fever in the guest house given to the bridegroom. Mangat Singh and his two friends came and started abusing and beating Rajinder Kumar with a chair. When Bariyum Singh and his son Somnath(30) reached there, somnath asked why you are beating him; Mangat punched him on face and abused them in the name of caste. He also threatened to kill them and went from there.

    While the bridegroom was returning from Behdala around 8.15pm, Bariyum Singh and his family were coming in a Scorpio. In the vehicle, Bariyum Singh, his two daughters Kamla and Santosh Kumari, and his son in law Rajinder , his son Somnath and Somnath’s wife Amanpreet Kaur, was coming. Bariyum Singh was sitting beside the driver. On the way Mangat Ram and 7-8 of his friends tried to stop the vehicle, they were with Iron rod, and heavy stick. When the driver asked why you are trying to stop the vehicle, Mangat Ram tried to open the window of the vehicle forcibly. Mangat Ram was wearing Iron grip in his finger he punched with that on Bariyum Singh’s nose and it started bleeding seriously. Mangat Ram and his friends started breaking the vehicle with iron rod. When Somnath and Rajinder got out of the Vehicle, one of them hit Somnath on head with an iron rod, his head cracked and he started bleeding. When Amanpreet Kaur went to save her husband Somnath, Mangat Ram started hurting her too, he slapped her and took out her sari and she was only with blouse and petticoat. They also started beating the sick Rajinder.  By the time there came the Bridegrooms bus so they ran away from the place they took Amanpreet’s purse where she had kept her mobile and some money. But when they were running away some people from the bridegroom side could catch hold one among the accused group, his name is Punit Kumar. They took punit and went to Mahatpur PS and filed the FIR. Then they were sent to district hospital Unna for treatment.

  • Posted by: NDMJ - Himachal Pradesh
  • Fact finding date: Not recorded
  • Date of Case Upload: 26-03-2014



Murder of a Dalit yoth by dominant caste

    Prema Devi the victim had bought a piece of land which happened to be in the middle of the piece of land owned by dominant caste persons. This was unacceptable to the dominants. Therefore with the intention to forcefully acquiring the piece of land bought by Prema, the accused had attacked her family, dragged herhusband Bindeswari Paswan to Belai Badhar village and shot him dead. After his death the accused crushed his face with stones and bricks. They even physically harassed Prema and her daughter too.

  • Posted by: NDMJ-Bihar
  • Fact finding date: Not recorded
  • Date of Case Upload: 26-03-2014

Raja Murder Case, Vandipalayam

    Raja (30) S/o Elumalai was residing in Vandipalayam village of Thindivanam taluk, Villupuram District in Tamilnadu. He belongs to Hindu Adi Dravidar community. On 15th September 2009 one person Jothi belonging to Adidravidar community died. The funeral procession had to pass through the main street of Caste Hindu residence. The caste Hindus belonging to Vanniyar community intervened and blocked the procession. The dead body had to lie on the road for five hours. After five long hours the Thasildhar and RDO along with Police came to the spot convinced dominant caste people and allowed the funeral procession on the same road. Immediately after the incident the Vanniyars issued social and economical boycott on dalits. They blocked all access roads with thorns, damaged drinking water supply pipes to Adidravidar households and all shops denied goods for them. Even Children were denied milk. The Vanniyars also damaged few electric motors which belongs to Mani and Nagaraj and threw them into the well. The victims along with other people gave complaint at the Marakkanam police station.

    The police called the dalit people for a peace committee meeting on 04.10.2009. All the dalits went to the police station in the evening and were waiting for the Inspector of Police. In the mean time some youths belonging to Vanniyar community burnt the poultry belonging to Mr.Raja. He intervened and tried to stop the Vanniyars. Since the Vanniyars and Naidus including Balu, Baktavatchalam, Murugesan, Palani, Lingusamy, Ravindran, Ravi, Rajendran, Iyanvaidu, Vellai Naciker, Purushotaman were in more number and they killed him on the spot. The gang of eleven people then ransacked the house of nineteen dalits. They damaged his houses and utensils. Two buffalos were also killed.

    Immediately a complaint was launched in Marakkanam police station on 06.10.2009. Faxes were sent to District Collector for requesting him to intervening him to provide food and relief. On 8.10.2009 complaints were sent to Home Minister, DGP and Chief Minister. The police filed FIR under 302 IPC and SC/ST POA. Four Accused have been arrested, charge sheet have been filed. The case is pending for trail.  Complaints have been sent to SC/ST and NHRC. NHRC conducted an enquiry. The Vidhuthalai Siruthai Katchi also organized protest.  

  • Posted by: Social Awareness Society for Youths-SASY
  • Fact finding date: Not recorded
  • Date of Case Upload: 22-03-2014



Raja Murder Case

    Raja (30) S/o Elumalai was residing in Vandipalayam village of Thindivanam taluk, Villupuram District in Tamilnadu. He belongs to Hindu Adi Dravidar community. On 15th September 2009 one person Jothi belonging to Adidravidar community died. The funeral procession had to pass through the main street of Caste Hindu residence. The caste Hindus belonging to Vanniyar community intervened and blocked the procession. The dead body had to lie on the road for five hours. After five long hours the Thasildhar and RDO along with Police came to the spot convinced dominant caste people and allowed the funeral procession on the same road. Immediately after the incident the Vanniyars issued social and economical boycott on dalits. They blocked all access roads with thorns, damaged drinking water supply pipes to Adidravidar households and all shops denied goods for them. Even Children were denied milk. The Vanniyars also damaged few electric motors which belongs to Mani and Nagaraj and threw them into the well. The victims along with other people gave complaint at the Marakkanam police station.

    The police called the dalit people for a peace committee meeting on 04.10.2009. All the dalits went to the police station in the evening and were waiting for the Inspector of Police. In the mean time some youths belonging to Vanniyar community burnt the poultry belonging to Mr.Raja. He intervened and tried to stop the Vanniyars. Since the Vanniyars and Naidus including Balu, Baktavatchalam, Murugesan, Palani, Lingusamy, Ravindran, Ravi, Rajendran, Iyanvaidu, Vellai Naciker, Purushotaman were in more number and they killed him on the spot. The gang of eleven people then ransacked the house of nineteen dalits. They damaged his houses and utensils. Two buffalos were also killed.

    Immediately a complaint was launched in Marakkanam police station on 06.10.2009. Faxes were sent to District Collector for requesting him to intervening him to provide food and relief. On 8.10.2009 complaints were sent to Home Minister, DGP and Chief Minister. The police filed FIR under 302 IPC and SC/ST POA. Four Accused have been arrested, charge sheet have been filed. The case is pending for trail. Complaints have been sent to SC/ST and NHRC. NHRC conducted an enquiry. The Vidhuthalai Siruthai Katchi also organized protest.

  • Posted by: NDMJ - DELHI
  • Fact finding date: 01-02-1999
  • Date of Case Upload: 20-03-2014



Human Rights Defender- Chandrakant Gaikwad Murdered

    Murder of Dalit Human Rights Defender Mr. Chandrakant Gaikwad (30) S/o Jaivant Gaikwad R/o Village – Jamb, Block – Indapur district- Pune,  Maharashtra. Mr Chandrakant Gaikwad (deceased) was a Dalit Human Rights Defender and a volunteer of National Dalit Movement for Justice. He was supporting victims of Dalit atrocities in accessing justice. 

    On 12/02/2013 Mr. Chandrakant Gaikwad belonging to Matang community was shot dead in Indapur block of Pune District, Maharashtrat from a close distance by the perpetrators Mr. Satpal Rupnavar and his supporters belonging to Dhangar Community (Dominant Caste). As a Dalit Human Defender Mr. Chandrakant filed  an atrocity case ( FIR No- 37/11) against the present accused on 30/02/2011 and he was also witness for other two atrocity cases ( FIR No- 25/12 and 161/12) which were filed against the same accused in the year 2012. All these cases were registered under SCs and ST [Prevention of Atrocities] Act 1989 against the present accused Mr. Satpal and he was also arrested. Six months ago the accused was released on bail and came to Jamb village of Indapur block.

    Since the accused was released on bail he conspired of killing three Dalit Human Rights Defenders namely- Chandrakant Gaikwad (Deceased), Vaibhav Gite, and Dada Jadhav who supported in filing cases against the accused. But unfortunately, the accused along with his supporters killed Mr. Chandrakant Gaikwad.

    Prior to this the complaint had been given to the Mr. Dasharath Patil, Asstt. Police Inspector of P.S- Walchand Nagar, about the threat to life of Human Rights Defenders. The complaint was not taken seriously and no protection was given to the Human Rights defenders including, the deceased Mr. Chandrakant Gaikwad. Even the complaints were made to Superintendent of Police, National Human Rights Commission and Ministry of Home, but all in vain. 

  • Posted by: NDMJ - Maharastra
  • Fact finding date: Not recorded
  • Date of Case Upload: 05-03-2014

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