Total records:1318

Simanbadi rape and murder Incident

    Kabita Digal, aged 13 years, daughter of Bipin and Antajini Digal of  Dadadamaha  village under Daringibadi police station of Kandhamal district was gang raped  and murdered on 26.10.2012 by arrested Ankur Pradhan, a minor of Dadadamaha village and Udhab Pradhani and Bharata Pradhani of Suluma village of Daringibadi police station.

    The incident occurred during Durgapuja festive week on 26.10.2012  on the way to Simonbadi at about 11.00 PM while  Kabita  was going to witness  an entertainment programme ogranised for Durga puja festival. He was accompanied by her 10 year old cousin Hebal Digal.  Simonbadi is about 1 and half Kms away from Dadadamaha. On the following morning, the passer by saw the dead body of Kabita was lying on the road side between Simonbadi and Dadadamaha. The family members and the villagers rushed to the spot and identified Kabita’s body. The medical report confirms that  Kabita was gang raped and murdered. Her body was lying naked with lots of injuries on private parts, throat and chest. A case is registered against the accused bearing no 77/12 under the section IPC-376/302 at Daringibadi police station.

    Presently, the family lives under trauma and fear. Supported  by  NGO workers,  the parents of the deceased received Rs.10,000 towards the funeral from the  Redcross Fund.

  • Posted by: OROSA
  • Fact finding date: 19-12-2012
  • Date of Case Upload: 27-06-2015


1) FIR copy 

Sarangada Rape Incident

    Priyanka Nayak, aged 5 years, daughter of Fakir Nayak of Colony Sahi of Gundurigaon village under Sarangada police station of Kandhamal district was raped by another minor boy Balia Nayak aged 16 years of same village on 13.11.2012.

    The incidence occurred at about 11.00 am while Priyanka was playing with other kids of same village on the street. Balia Nayak called her to his house by alluring her to give chocolates and started to rape her. When the child begun to cry, the mother of the child rushed to the spot and rescued her. The parent rushed to the police station and lodged FIR on the same day. The child was taken to district medical for test and treatment. The medical report confirms that there was a minor injury in the private part of the child. A case is registered and accused is summoned to the police station and later he was brought to the District Juvenile committee, which granted him bail.

    Presently, the family lives under trauma and fear, the parents are having psychological burden of social stigma due to rape and the victim child is not allowed to play with other kids. The victim and its family are treated differently by the villagers.

    Supported by NGO workers, the matter was informed to the Sub collector for providing financial compensation and educational   support to the victim by admitting her in the government hostel to begin her studies. The sub collector supported only Rs.5000 towards victim’s treatment and told that the government has no provision of hostel facility for her study as the victim belongs to Christian minority community.

  • Posted by: OROSA
  • Fact finding date: 19-12-2012
  • Date of Case Upload: 26-06-2015


1) FIR copy 


    Brief Details of the Incident:

    Gattala Rajeswari (15) is the younger daughter of Uppalaiah (40) is a native of Damannapet Village, Vardhanpet Mandal of Warangal District migrated to Hyderabad 20 years ago alongwith his wife Swaroopa (35) and two daughters Radhika and Rajeswari. They are now residing in their own house at Kuna Mahalaxmi nagar Jagadgirigutta, Qutubullapur Mandal. Uppalaiah is a Class IV worker in Municipality and Swaroopa is a daily wage labourer. Six months ago they performed the marriage of their elder daughter Radhika. Rajeswari their younger daughter is studying 9th class in the Government High School at Jagadgirigutta.

    Rajeswari and her family members went to their native place Damannapet village on the eve of Dasara festival. Mr. Tirupathi (22) S/o Somanarsaiah & Somamma of Damannapet is the neighbor of Uppalaiah. He is a laborer and works as a mason and stays at Borabanda in Hyderabad. Tirupathi came into touch with Rajeswari and used to talk her quite often. Tirupathi lured her in the name of love by making false promises and proposed to marry her. After the Dasara holidays, Tirupathi accompanied Rajeswari in the train on her return journey to Hyderabad. Initially Rajeswari denied his proposal, but due to his continuous persistence she obliged. Tirupathi and Rajeswari have been in touch continuously and often go outside in the absence of Rajeswari’s parents. Tirupathi used to come to her house and they have maintained sexual relationship.

    On 26/1/2015 Rajeswari and Tirupathi were in their house in the absence of her parents. This was noticed by their neighbor Laxman and he in turn informed to Rajeswari’s mother Swaroopa. Swaroopa questioned Rajeswari about the matter and she revealed the entire affair and said that he promised her to marry. On 28/1/2015 Rajeswari’s parents asked Tirupathi to marry their daughter and he said that he will marry her after convincing his parents and left away. Since then he stopped answering the phone calls from Rajeswari and stopped meeting her.

    Dismayed Uppalaiah and Swaroopa approached DSS on 29th January. DSS conducted fact finding and traced Tirupathi on 30/1/2015 and handed over in Jeedimetla PS. Based on the complaint from Rajeswari a case has been registered on 31/1/2015 bearing Cr No: 94/2015 U/sec 417, 420, 376(2) (i) of IPC, Sec 4 of POCSO Act 2012 and Sec 3(1) (xi) of SC/ST (POA) Act, 1989. Tirupathi has been sent to remand on 3/2/2015. 

    Interventions of DSS:

    •        Conducted Fact Finding

    •        Counseled both

    •        Got the case registered

    •        Ensured the arrest of the accused                                                         

    List of Documents:

    •        Fact finding report

    •        FIR 

    Present    Status: 

    •        Accused arrested and remanded for judicial custody

    •        Compensation yet to be paid                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        


  • Posted by: Dalit Sthree Sakthi (DSS)
  • Fact finding date: 29-01-2015
  • Date of Case Upload: 26-06-2015



Sexual Exploitation & Attempt to Murder - Chandrakala

  • Posted by: Dalit Sthree Sakthi (DSS)
  • Fact finding date: 19-05-2015
  • Date of Case Upload: 24-06-2015



Gang Rape and Assault with Dalit women Khandwa MP

    खंडवा (इंदौर). मध्य प्रदेश के खंडवा जिले में छह से ज्यादा बदमाशों ने महिला से सामूहिक दुष्कर्म किया। मारपीट भी की। फिर निर्वस्त्र अवस्था में छोड़ भाग गए। लहूलुहान महिला रविवार सुबह कब्रिस्तान क्षेत्र पहुंची। यहां महिलाओं ने उसकी मदद की। उसे कपड़े पहनाए। सूचना पर पुलिस ने रातभर सर्च ऑपरेशन चला कर चार बदमाशों को गिरफ्तार किया। शेष आरोपियों की तलाश जारी है। 

    घटना शनिवार रात की है। पीड़िता ने क्षेत्र के लोगों को बताया भूरू तांगेवाला, संतोष उर्फ संतु और उसके साथियों ने उसके साथ दुष्कर्म किया। पुलिस ने अब तक कोई कार्रवाई नहीं की। इस पर कब्रिस्तान क्षेत्र के लोगों ने भास्कर को रविवार रात 12 बजे घटना की जानकारी दी। भास्कर की सूचना पर एसपी महेंद्रसिंह सिकरवार ने निर्देश जारी किए। पुलिस ने रातभर सर्च ऑपरेशन चला कर आरोपी भूरू, संतु, भोपाली और ब्रुसली नामक बदमाश को गिरफ्तार कर लिया। जिला अस्पताल में भर्ती देशगांव क्षेत्र की पीड़िता ने पुलिस को बताया वह एक सप्ताह पहले घर से बगैर बताए चली गई थी।


    पीड़िता ने कहा, \"रेलवे स्टेशन पर घूमते-घूमते आबना नदी के पुल पर आ गई। कुछ समझ नहीं आ रहा था कि कहां जाऊं। पांच-छह लड़के नदी के पास घूम रहे थे। वे मेरे पास आए। मैंने उनसे कहा कि भैया ये कौन-सी जगह है। भूख लगी है, कुछ खाने को मिलेगा? बस्ती कहां पर है? युवकों ने कहा कि चलो हमारे साथ खाना खिला देंगे। मुझे जबरदस्ती अपने साथ जंगल ले गए। विरोध करने लगी तो मारपीट की। इससे मेरी आंखें, हाथ, पैर, पीठ बुरी तरह जख्मी हो गए। शनिवार शाम होते ही बदमाशों ने मेरे साथ दुष्कर्म करना शुरू कर दिया। बदमाशों के पास शराब की बोतल थी। रविवार सुबह बदमाश चले गए। मैं जैसे-तैसे वहां से निकली। कब्रिस्तान के गेट के पास  हसीनाबाई और अकबरी ने मुझे निर्वस्त्र अवस्था में देखा और कपड़े पहनाए।\"  


    छह से ज्यादा आरोपी, चार नामजद   

    सीएसपी अभिषेक दीवान ने बताया महिला के बयान पर आरोपी भूरू तांगेवाला उर्फ अमजद, संतोष उर्फ संतु, सुरेश उर्फ भोपाली, राजेश उर्फ गुड्डू उर्फ ब्रुसली के खिलाफ धारा 366 (अपहरण), 376 घ (सामूहिक दुष्कर्म), 323 (मारपीट) सहित एससीएसटी एक्ट के तहत केस दर्ज कर उन्हें हिरासत में लिया है। शेष आरोपियों की तलाश जारी है। मामले की जांच अजाक डीएसपी आरएस सोलंकी को दी है।  

    मदद करने वालों का सम्मान करेंगे  
    महिला की मदद कर पुलिस को सूचना देने वाले लोगों का सम्मान करेंगे। लोगों से हमारी अपील है कि वे ऐसे मामलों में आरोपियों के खिलाफ खुलकर सामने आए। पुलिस उन्हें सुरक्षा भी देगी और सम्मान भी करेगी।    
    - महेंद्रसिंह सिकरवार, एसपी 
  • Posted by: NDMJ
  • Fact finding date: Not recorded
  • Date of Case Upload: 24-06-2015

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