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Dalit Bonded Labour Secha

  • Posted by: Dalit Dasta Virodhi Andolan
  • Date of incident: 12-07-2013
  • Create date: 06-03-2014
  • State:: Punjab
  • District:: KAPURTHALA
  • Police station:: Sultanpur
  • Chargesheet:: No F.I.R
  • Summary::

    Swarno W/o Giyan Ram resident of village-Secha, tehsil-Sultanpur, District- Kapurthala. He belongs to ‘valmik’ caste which is declares Scheduled Caste by the Govt of Punjab.  He was working with Gurbachan Singh S/o Sant Ram resident of village- Secha, tehsil- Sultanpur, District- Kapurthala. Swarno & her son Lakhvir Ram was working from last 6 months for the employer. The employer give them advance of Rs. 500/- to bonded labourers which they have used to take medicine for swarno.  The employer fixed salary of Swarno Rs. 1500/- and Lakhvir Ram’s salary was Rs.2000/.The bonded labourers worked 8a.m to 6 p.m for the employer. The employer never paid the wages of the bonded labourers when he demands their wages the employer paid him only Rs. 200 or 300 after one month. The employer do not allow the bonded labourers to leave his work without paying the bonded debt of Rs. 8000/. The employer abused the bonded labourers on basis during the work period. The bonded labourer does not want to continue his services.


Verbal Abuse and Harassment of Dalit Women

  • Posted by: Social Awareness Society for Youths-SASY
  • Date of incident: 10-07-2013
  • Create date: 19-03-2014
  • State:: Tamil Nadu
  • District:: TIRUPPUR
  • Police station:: Tarapuram police station
  • Chargesheet:: No F.I.R, No chargesheet
  • Summary::

    Valarmathi (55), W/o Mayilsamy, belongs to Dalit Poyar Community, is resident of Kootapulipalayam Road, Tarapuram, Tirupur district. She is working in an Angavadi. In 1992, she was allotted a 2.5 cent of land in U. Ammapatti. On 11/07/2013, Valarmathi went their to initiate the foundation work for building a new house in the government allotted land. On knowing her arrival and her intention to build a house in their area, Parivallal, Murugasamy, Eswaramoorthy and Kumarasamy, all belongs to dominant caste hindu Kounder community, prevented her to continue the work. They verbally abused her saying, “Ottachi “should not build a house in our premises and referred derogatory regarding caste. They threatened her that they will demolish the house, if she build a house in their locality.

    On the same day Valarmathi lodged a complaint with the Tarapuram Police Station, but the police officials failed not taken any action on that complaint. Hence she file an another complaint on 16/07/02013, with the support of CPI Councillor Mr. Raghupathy. Even after the second complaint, the higher officials in the police department were negligent to take action on the complaint.


Bonded Labour Rukhala

  • Posted by: Dalit Dasta Virodhi Andolan
  • Date of incident: 05-07-2013
  • Create date: 05-03-2014
  • State:: Punjab
  • District:: MUKATSAR
  • Police station:: Giddarwaha
  • Chargesheet:: No F.I.R
  • Summary::

    Harwinder Kaur W/o Baljinder Singh, Village- Rukhala, Bazigar Basti, Tehsil-Giddarwaha, District- Shri Muktsar Sahib, She belong to caste “Majhabi Sikh” caste which has been declared as a Scheduled Caste by the State government of Punjab. 


    She and her family members have been were working as agriculture labourers since April 2011.  for Pal Singh Master S/o Prabhu Singh, Village- Shekh, tehsil- Giddarwaha, District- Shri Muktsar Sahib, Caste-Jatt Sikh. Her husband Baljinder Singh was working as a “Siri” for the employer. Her daughter Manpreet Kaur (17 years) and Jaspreet Kaur are also working with for the employer. 


    Pal Singh Master had given them advance of Rs. 15000 (Rupees fifteen thousand) at the time of joining the work which they used that money to repay the bonded debt of his previous employer Om Prakash Jaini, who is living in city. Shri Muktsar Sahib who used them  for 13 years and imposed an amount of Rs.15000 (Fifteen thousand and five hundred) on her as an bonded debt. Pal Singh Master has fixed annual wages Rs.55000 (Fifteen thousand and five hundred) for her husband including 520 KG wheat. Pal Singh (Master) never gave them any information regarding her and her children’s wages. Pal Singh (Master) extracted work from 6:00a.m to 9:00p.m. During the wheat and paddy transplantation season they have to work for him in day and night.  Pal Singh (Master) never allow them for any weekly rest. Whenever they could not work due to sickness or any urgent work then Pal Singh Master charged them an amount of fine as per his own wish and adds this amount in the advance amount and charged an interest on the whole amount according to his own wish. Pal Singh Master has taken their thumb impressions on many types of blank papers. She is illiterate she could not understand for what purpose he will use these papers. During the work period whenever she  demanded her wages from Pal Singh Master  always makes excuses and when She requested him several times then after four or five months he gave them only Rs.2000 (Rupees two thousand rupees) and adds this amount in the advance amount and charged an interest according to his own wish. Instead of this amount he never paid our wages or wheat. When they  have completed two years work with Pal Singh Master, they demanded our wages from him, he abused them on caste basis and threaten them that he will not pay us any wages but he imposed an bonded debt of Rs.45000 (Rupees forty five thousand) on them


    They refused to go in the Panchayat, which is called by Pal singh itself.  Pal Singh Master was not paying them their wages but  demanding bonded debt from them. The complaint has been sent to the DM, Muktsar and there is no action against the employer and no compensation has been given to the victims under the Bonded Labour System (Abolotion) Act 1976 or SC/ST Act 1989.


Murder of a Dalit Petlad Town

  • Posted by: Navsarjan Trust
  • Date of incident: 20-06-2013
  • Create date: 10-03-2014
  • State:: Gujarat
  • District:: ANAND
  • Police station:: Petlad Town Police Station
  • Chargesheet:: No F.I.R
  • Summary::

    The village called Jesarva is situated in Petlad taluka of Anand district. There are patels, Darbars, Dalits and some other caste’s people living.


    On 20/06/13 the victim Parshottambhai, at 5 o’clock in the evening left to Dharmaj Jalaram Mandir to pray as his daily routine, as he was coming back from the temple, near Jesarva-Shekhdi railway crossing accused Prakashbhai Simonbhai Khristi, Mustak Najirmiya and Jasodaben alias Jashi Parshottambhai Purabiya came there and accused prakashbhai attacked with deadly wepon and all the three accused ran away from the place.

    On coming to know the Police Inspector came there and then sent the deadbody to Petlad Civil Hospital for postmortem and registered FIR

    This is altogether a different case. A dalit was killed. The brief fact of the case as per the investigation authority and other people, the accused had illicit relationship with the wife of the victim. Because of that some quarrel was going on between the husband and wife. The wife of the victim and the accused had decided to kil him.


Physically torture on dalit Bonded Labourer

  • Posted by: Dalit Dasta Virodhi Andolan
  • Date of incident: 15-06-2013
  • Create date: 05-03-2014
  • State:: Punjab
  • District:: BATHINDA
  • Police station:: Sadar Bathinda
  • Chargesheet:: No F.I.R
  • Summary::

    Jaswinder Singh @ Kundan S/o Gurjant Singh @ Janta, Age-34 years is from village- Jai Singh wala, tehsil & District- Bathinda. He belongs to Majhabi Sikh caste which is declared as a scheduled caste by the state of Punjab. From last five years he is working as a “Siri” (bonded labourer) with the different employers. Now he is working with Mandeep Singh S/o Mohinder Singh from village- Jai Singh wala, tehsil & District- Bathinda who belongs to caste “Jatt Sikh” (upper caste). When he (Jaswinder singh) starts to work for Mandeep Singh he was given Rs. 15000 (Fifteen thousand rupees) as an advance amount and Mandeep Singh promised him that he will gave him Rs.41,000 (Forty one thousand rupees) as his annual wages for the first year. The advance money which was given to Jaswinder Singh he used to repay the bonded debt of his previous employer who took work from him continuously for three years and never paid his wages and when he desire to leave his work then he imposed a amount of Rs.10,000 (ten thousand rupees) on him as an bonded debt. Then to repay the bonded debt of his previous employer Jaswinder Singh was helpless to work for Mandeep Singh. Now he is working as a bonded labourer under the employer (Mandeep Singh). He is working for day and night and the employer never allow him to go to his home even his house is in the same village where he is working but the employer hardly allow him to go after two or three days only for one night. Whenever he stayed more time then the employer comes to his house and abused him and forcibly brings him to work. The employer never paid his earns wages even not any overtime or weekly rest. Whenever he demands his wages he gave him only Rs.100 or Rs.50 after ten or fifteen days. His father and brother are working outside they are managing the household needs. When Jaswinder Singh worked for one year for the employer, he demands his wages but the employer do not paid his wages but impose a bonded debt amount of Rs.8000/- on him so that he could extract bonded labour from him and in the second year he again gave him Rs.17,000 as an advance amount and again engaged him in his work. Now the employer is not giving him his wages. During the work his maternal grandmother was died and he asked the employer that he wants to go for his maternal grandmother’s last ceremony. 



    The employer tells him that first look after his cattle and then go anywhere. After finishing the work of employer in the morning Jaswinder went to the house of his maternal parents. He came back in the next day morning on the work of the employer, the employer starts to abuse him on caste basis and tell him that “why he is late?. The employer threaten him that he will teach him a lesson for coming late on work. Then the employers start his tractor and kicked Jaswinder Singh with his tractor and he was injured seriously. His left arm has been broken and he became unconscious. The employer’s son Harjit Singh bring him to a private doctor and his arm has plastered. Now Jaswinder Singh is unable to work for the employer due to his injury but the employer is demanding bonded debt of Rs.20,000 (Twenty thousand rupees) and is forcing him to pay the bonded debt otherwise work for him as the wheat harvesting season is coming.  The employer is not giving any expenses for the treatment of Jaswinder Singh, when Jaswinder Singh’s mother went to the house of the employer to demand money for his son’s treatment. The employer do not gave her any money but he abused her and ordered her to get out from his house and said that he has not any money for Jaswinder Singh’s treatment. The employer has threaten that if he will not pay the bonded debt or will not work for him he will hand him over to police and with the help of police he will extract the bonded debt. Now Jaswinder Singh is unable to work due to his injury but the employer is harassing him to extract the bonded debt. Jaswinder Singh has approached to VSJ and the complaint was filed to District Magistrate, Bathinda. Jaswinder Singh is physically free from bonded labour and bonded debt. 


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