Total records:1331

Student Physically Assaulted by a Teacher, Hand broken

    घटनादिनांक 24.2.2015 कीहै , घटनाकासमय- 2 बजेअपरहनकीहै . पीड़ितसुरेश पुत्रस्वर्गीयपप्पूकनौजिया, उम्र - लगभग - 15 वर्ष, अपनेविद्यालय - के.पी.हाई.स्कूलगायाहुआथा . विद्यालयघरसेमात्रएककिलोमीटरदूर्परस्थित, पुरानामहानगरमेंहै .आकाशक्लास- नौकाछात्रहै .

    अध्यापकदूबे (पूरानामनहीपता) जोसभीबच्चोंको  दिनांक-23.2.2015 कोअँगरेजीकिमीनिंगयादकरनेकेलिएदियाथा . घटनाकेदिनअर्थात 24.2.2015 कोबच्चोंसेपूछनेलगा . कुछबच्चोंनेथोड़ा - कुछबतायाऔरकुछबच्चेनहींबतासके. इन्हीबच्चोंमेंपीड़ितसुरेशभीथा, जिससेअँगरेजीकीमीनिंगपूछीगयीऔरवहबतानेमेंअसमर्थताव्यक्तकिया . आरोपीअध्यापकदूबेनेसभीबच्चोंकोडण्डेसेपीटनेलगा . एकडन्डा  टूटगयाऔरदूसराडन्डाभीअध्यापकद्वारालायागया .अन्यबच्चोंकोअध्यापकनेपिटाईकियाहीऔरपीड़ितआकाशकोभीपिटाईपहलेवालेडण्डेसेतोपीटाहीऔरदूसरेडण्डेसेभीपीटा . इसपिटाईसेपीड़ितआकाशकाहठटूटगया .

    हाथटूटनेकेबादविद्यालयकेअध्यापकोंकेहालतखराबहोगएऔरघरवालोंकोबिनासूचितकिएलखनऊमेंहीस्वामीविवेकानंदअस्पतालमेंलेगएजहांउसकाप्राथमिकइलाजकरायाऔरउसकाप्लास्टरभीकराया .

    घटनाहोतेहीआरोपीअध्यापकविद्यालयसेफरारहोगया . वहआरोपीदूबेसुल्तानपुरजिलेकारहनेवालाहै . उसआरोपीअध्यापकनेलगभग 9 बच्चोंकोपीटाथा .

    छुट्टीहोतेहीघरपहुचासुरेशअपनेघरवालोंसेबताया. घटनाकीख़बरपातेहीघरवाले , उसकीमाँ  कमलेशकनौजियापत्‍‌नीस्वर्गीयपप्पूकनौजिया (50 वर्ष), निवसिनी- 545 क / 284, भुइयनटोला, पुरानामहानगर , लखनऊ  औरभुइयनटोला  बस्तीकेभीलोगके.पी.एसहाईस्कूलपहुँचगयेऔरघटनाकाकारणपूछनेलगेऔरआरोपीअध्यापकसेभीबातकरनीचाही , परआरोपीअध्यापकदूबेविद्यालयसेफरारहोगयाथा . प्रिंसिपलएस.बी . सिंहनेपरिवारवालोंकोसमझानेकीकोशिसकरतेरहेकिघटनाकेबारेमेंपुलिसकोसूचितनकियाजय . परिवारवालोनेउनसेपूछाकिआपनेहमे (परिवारवालोंको) क्योंनहीबताया ? इसकाप्रिंसिपलएस.बी.सिंहअपनीसफाईमेंतुरंतइलाजकीबातकरतेरहे, औरसमझानेकीकोशिसकरतेरहेकिआकश (पीड़ित) कोतत्कालइलाजकीजरूरतथीइसीलियेहमलोगपहलेअस्पताललेकरगए. पीड़ितआकाशकेपरिवारऔरबस्तीकेलोगोकेभरीदबावकीवजहसेप्रिंसिपलनेआरोपीअध्यापक (दूबे) कोविद्यालयसेनिष्कासितउसीदिन 24.2.2015 कोलगभग - 4 बजेकरदिया . के.पी.एस. हाईस्कूलसेवापसघरआनेकेबाद  दूसरेदिन 25.2.2015 कोआकाशकीमाकमलेशदेवी , अपनेकार्यस्थल (जहांबर्तनपोछाकाकामकरतीहै) परगयी, वहाअपनेमालकिनअधिवक्ताश्रीमतीतरूश्रीपत्‍‌नीडॉक्टरएस.पी. श्रीवास्तव , निवासी - सी 106 सेक्टर- ए , महानगर .लखनऊसेघटनाकेबारेमेंबताया .  उसीदिनअधिवक्तानेपीड़ितसुरेशऔरउसकीमाँकमलेशकेसाथपुरानामहानगरस्थितपुलिसस्टेशनगयीऔरएफ.आइ.आरदर्जकरने  हेतुआवेदनपत्रदिया. पुलिसनेसमझौतेकेलिएदबावबनाया , परअधिवक्ताकेदबावकेकारणपुलिसएफ.आइ.आरदर्जकरनेकोतैयारहोगई . अधिवक्ताकेवापसआनेकेबादपीडि़ताकिमाँकमलेशदेवीथानेपरहीरुकीरही. बहुतदेरबादयानिरात्रि 9.45 बजेएफ.आइ.आरदर्जहोपाया . पीड़ितदोदिनोंतकथानेकाचक्करलगातीरहीतबजाकरउसे 27.2.2015 को एफ.आइ.आरकीप्रतिलिपिदीगई.

      शिक्षकद्वारापिटाईसेछात्रका  हाथटूटगयाऔरअभीतकउसकेहाथमेंप्लास्टरलगाहुआहै . पीड़ितसुरेशकेक्लास - 9 में 24 बच्चेपढ़तेहैं , जिनमें 19 बच्चेअनुसूचितजातीकेहैं .आरोपीअध्यापकअकसरबच्चोंकोपीटताथा . उससेसभीबच्चेडरतेथे. स्कूलप्रिंसिपलद्वाराबलरामपुरअस्पतालमेंबच्चेकाएक्सरेकरायाथा , जिसकीप्रतिलिपिपीड़ितोंद्वाराप्रिंसिपलसेमाँगनेपरनहीदियागया . बादमेपीड़ितसुरेशकीमाकमलेशदेवीस्व्यंबलरामपुरअस्पतालगएऔरएक्सरेकीमाँगकीपरन्तुपीड़ितकीमाकमलेशसे 600 रुपयेकीमाँगकीगईऔरएक्सरेरिपोर्टनहीदिया . पुलिसनेमुकदमातोदर्जकरलियापरअभीतकआरोपीअध्यापक (दूबे) कोगिरफ्तारनहीकियाहै. आरोपीअध्यापकसामान्यजाति (ब्राह्मण) काहै.वहदबंगकिस्मकाव्यक्तिहै . पुलिसद्वाराचार्जसीटभीअभीतकफाइलनहीकीगईहै . पीड़ितकोअभीतककिसीतरहकाआर्थिकसहायताभीनहीउपलब्धकराईगईहै . पीड़ितसुरेशकीमाँकमलेशबर्तनमांजकरपरिवारकाभरण - पोषणकरतीहै .

  • Posted by: NDMJ-UP
  • Fact finding date: 08-03-2015
  • Date of Case Upload: 01-05-2015

Physical Assault on a Dalit Rights Activist

    Case details is not available
  • Posted by: NDMJ Odisha
  • Fact finding date: Not recorded
  • Date of Case Upload: 29-04-2015

Mass Attack & Economic Boycott

    On 6th March 2015, Dola Purnima Festival was being celebrated at Sribantpur village and Dalit communities of Chakradhar Sola also went there to see Dala yatra. But the dominant caste people did not allow them to enjoy festival, consequently, there was altercation between two communities followed by attack on dalits by dominant caste people and threfore  five dalit people were got injured and some of them sustained severe injury. After getting the information, the police reached the spot and lifted five injured people to Dharmasala police station. Majority of male members of  Dalit communities visited police station to see injured people. Taking this as an advantage, the dominant caste people in large numbers entered Dalit hamlet at 5.00 PM and attacked women, children and old people. They destroyed household belonging like TV, Motor Cycle and fan and  caused damaged to some of the houses. In the attack Tapoi Mallick was severelly assaulted.

    Out of 11 complaints filed only 2 complaints got registered by Dharmasla police. As a consequence of complaint registration, the dalits are economically boycotted. The land used by dalits communities for sharecropping is now withdrawn. The dalits have to go far away places for the marketing. There is a sole tube well between hamlets of two communities. The dalits women have to wait hours to fetch drinking water from the well.

    As yet no compensation is paid to the victims.

  • Posted by: NDMJ Odisha
  • Fact finding date: 11-03-2015
  • Date of Case Upload: 28-04-2015

Arson and displacing Dalits from the habitation

    The houses of Three Dalit families were arsoned and reduced to ashes by named accused persons with an intention to displace these hapless people from the government land. Being displaced by some influencial people from Kendrapada town, three dalit families opted to live in a government land at Nasidipur village and have been living there since last one year by making thached houses. However, these landless dalit families were again faced an anger of dominant caste people. As they tried to settle in a governmet land...the dominant caste people were become jelous of it. On 11.03.2015 at about 9.00 am the accused persons drunk and came to the spot, abused them with caste name and filthy language and threatened them to leave the place or they would set ablze the houses. On 12.03.2015, at about 1.00 am , they again came to the spot and set on fire the houses and fled away.

  • Posted by: NDMJ Odisha
  • Fact finding date: 02-04-2015
  • Date of Case Upload: 28-04-2015

Denied Dalits to have Religious Procession followed by Physical Assault

    About 34 dalit families live in Sanagada village under Ranapur police station of Nayagarh district. Every year they celebrate Ganesh Puja followed by immersion ceremony of Lord Ganesh with a procession covering 7 hamlets of the village. On 6.09.2014, at about 9.00 PM, the Dalit communities were conducting immersion procession of Lord Ganesh. While the procession was passing through Kumbhar street, it was intentionally blocked by putting an auto on the middle of the road. While asked by the organizers to shift the auto to a side, the accused persons denied to shift the auto and said that the auto was out of order and could not be shifted. As a result, the procession was diverted to other direction. Meanwhile, few members of Dalit communities was passing by the Kumbhar Street, all of a sudden the members of Kumbhar communities abused them in filthy language and   by their caste name and told them “ How dare you to take procession in our street, you untouchable” and started beating them up with stick. The victims were severely got injured and became senseless. The matter was immediately informed to the police. The police sent the victim to Rananpur Hospital for treatment, however, the victims were further shifted to Capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar.

    Untouchability is strongly practiced in Sanagada village. In hotels, separate glasses are kept for dalits, In shops, the shopkeepers throw goods to the hands of dalit communities. Dalits are not allowed into the temple. Among dalit communities only three boys have passed matriculation and 6 persons are employed in government sector as fourth grade employee and majority of them earn the livelihood from daily labour and have no agriculture land.

  • Posted by: NDMJ Odisha
  • Fact finding date: 10-09-2014
  • Date of Case Upload: 28-04-2015


1) Fact finding Report- Untouchability & Atrocity 
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