Total records:1318

Acid attack on Dalit youth in E.Champaran

    पीड़ित लाल बाबू राम , उम्र करीब 35 वर्ष , पिता - श्री ढोढाई राम, जाति- अनुसूचित जाति (चमार), ग्राम+पोस्ट -राजापुर अहिरौलिया , थाना- कोटवा, जिला - पुर्वी चंपारण , राज्य- बिहार के निवासी हैं । पेशे से  Chola Mandalam investment & finance CopanyImitted ,baranch Motiari के अधीन संग्राहक का कार्य करते हैं । जिले के हरसिधि थाना- क्षेत्र के पन्नापुर रंजीता ढाब टोला निवासी राजेश सहनी उक्त कंपनी से तीन गाड़ियाँ फाइनांस कराइ थी ।पर वे नियमित रूप से गाडियों के क़िस्त का भुगतान नहीं कर पा रहे थे ।आजीज हो कर कंपनी की सीजर टीम ने उनकी गाडी को करीब एक सप्ताह के लिए सीज कर लिया और क़िस्त की राशि चुकाकर गाडी छोड़ दिया । श्री सहनी इस से अपना अपमान बैठा और  बदला चुकाने की ताक़ में रहने लगा ।

    एक साजिश के तहत श्री सहनी ने संग्राहक श्री राम को दिनांक 16.06.2015 को 11.30 बजे दिन में क़िस्त की राशि भुगतान करने के बहाने हरसिधि बाज़ार स्थित अपनी मिठाई की दूकान पर बुलाया । श्री राम ठिक समय पर पहुंचे । श्री सहनी पास के ही प्रीतम अग्रवाल की दूकान पर ले गए । वहां प्रीतम अग्रवाल एवं उनके दो भाई, श्री सहनी एवं उनके भाई सभी ने श्री राम को एक कमरा में बंद कर उसकी पिटाई की । सोने की सिकड़ी एवं पचास हज़ार रुपये छीन लिया तथा जन मारने की नीयत से उनके शरीर पर एसिड डाल कर घायल कर डाला ।




  • Posted by: NDMJ-Bihar
  • Fact finding date: 27-06-2015
  • Date of Case Upload: 25-07-2015



Dominant Caste has attack on Dalit Tola in Samastipur

    सूबे बिहार में  समस्तीपुर जिला में  पटोरी थाना  क्षेत्र अंतर्गत  स्थित  मिर्जापुर गावं  में  सरकारी पोखर की करीब 07एकड़ गैरमजरुआ भूमि है । जिसपर  राजकीय प्राथमिक विद्यालय संचालित होता है । विद्यालय के लिए शौचालय  एवं किचेन का भी निर्माण कराया  ग़या  था । पोखर के शेष भिंड पर  मिर्जापुर के दलितों की करीब 100 झोपड़ियाँ बनी हुई है । बताते है कि दलित लोग पिचले 40वर्षों से उक्त  भूमि पर रहते आरहें हैं ।  वही दूसरी  ओर  मिर्जापुर गाव  से सटा  राजपूत बहुल गाव  हसनपुर जो वैशाली जिला के महनार थाना क्षेत्र में अवस्थित है के राजपूत बिरादरी के लोग अवैध रूप से कब्जा करने के लिए  हरवे हथियार से लैश होकर 23-24जून 2015 को  मिर्जापुर दलित बिस्ती पर  हमला कर डाला ।  तीन दलितों को गोली मार कर घायल कर दिया । उनकी झोपडिया उजार डाली । साजो समान नष्ट कर डाला । आभूषण एवं रूपये लूट कर ले गए । 

  • Posted by: NDMJ-Bihar
  • Fact finding date: 03-07-2015
  • Date of Case Upload: 24-07-2015



Rape on Dalit Minor Girl in Washim District of Maharashtra

    On dated 28 january 2015, victim Neha Ramesh Ambhore aged 16 years while returning from  school, abducted by accused Moty @ Motising Pathan (19 years) & Saddam Asad Khaan Pathan (20 years) belonging to muslim community threatened the victim showing the photos in mobile. Both the accused took victim behind the Dargah and forcely repaed the victim and also recorded the video on mobile. 

  • Posted by: NDMJ - Maharastra
  • Fact finding date: Not recorded
  • Date of Case Upload: 22-07-2015

Honour Killing of Dalit Youth Gogulraj

    Gogulraj (22) S/o Vengatachalm belongs to Dalit Community, resided at Omalur Village and post in Salem District. He was studied BE at KSR Enginaring college at Thiruchengodu. He was loved with Suvathi belongs to dominant caste Kongu Vellalar community. She also studying same college.

    On 23.06.2015 he went to Malai temple which was located at Thiruchangodu along with his lover Suvathi. Meanwhile caste hindu Deran chinnamalai peravai party came and asked who are you, which community. He replied the both community name and he said we are friends. But they picked their phones and they called Gogulraj to seek Yuvaraj founder of Dheran Chinnamalai peravai. Both were went but suvathi sent to home. Gogulraj kidnapped by them. On 24.06.2015 gogulraj brother collected this information he went to along with Suvathi filed complaint in Tiruchangodu town police station. Meanwhile they were filing complaint Gogulraj was murdered and his body was kept in railway track. Railway police were passed this information to gogulraj mother by phone. Followed that this case was altered in SC/ST PoA Act. Eight accused including women were arrested by police.

  • Posted by: Social Awareness Society for Youths-SASY
  • Fact finding date: 01-07-2015
  • Date of Case Upload: 15-07-2015




1) Case Documents 

Dalit Students forced to clean toilet by Headmistress

    Mr. Jagadesh (20) S/o Nadaraj belongs to Dalit community, resides at Marangiur village and post, Thirukovilur Taluk, Villupuram District of Tamil Nadu. He is studying percussion instrument at District Music School at Villupuram. Mr. Pradhap (18) S/o Sekar (late) belongs to Dalit community,  reside at Athur colony, Tindivanam Taluk of Villupuram District, Tamil Nadu. He is studying Vocal class in same school. The school does not have sanitary workers, so the administration was making some of students to do cleaning the toilet. There headmistress Kalaiarasi was allegedly treating the Dalit students unfairly and use to force only them to clean the rest room. This incident come to light on june 16, when some of the students, who could not tolerate their Dalit counterparts forced to clean the toilet took a photograph of two students cleaning the toilet by using a mobile phone and circulated through whatsapp. The Management had threatened to issue TC if tell to outsider.

    After the incident Mr. Gunasekaran Assistant Director of Reginal Art and Culture Department came to inquire into the incident He too is to have threatened the students by warning them not to tell outsiders, about the incident. Gunasekaran reportedly threatened to lodge a police complaintagainst the students if they spoke to outsider.

  • Posted by: Social Awareness Society for Youths-SASY
  • Fact finding date: 25-06-2015
  • Date of Case Upload: 14-07-2015




1) Fact finding repot 
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