Total records:1318


    Brief details of the incident:

    Devarapalli Swapna (20) D/o Dharma Rao SC Madiga by caste is resident of SC Colony, Punadipadu, Kankipadu mandal, Krishna District. Swapna studied upto Intermediate and her parents are agricultural labourers. On the day of the incident i.e. 19th  April 2013, she was going with her cousin brother, Mr Raviteja son of Dharma Rao’s brother Devarapalli Ramaiah.

    On the fateful day of 19th April 2013 Swapna alongwith her cousin brother Devarapalli Ravi Teja(22) went  to Gunadala in Vijayawada around 6-00pm and  reached back to Kankipadu Bus Stand around 00-10am in the midnight (20th early hours).  As there were no buses or autos to Punadipadu, Swapna and her brother Ravi Teja were on their way back to home by walk. As they were passing over the Lukky Wine shop at Punadipadu, the accused Bandaru Ram Prasad, Pallapu Venkateswara Rao and Goddalla Venkanna of the same village came on a bike, pulled the chunni of Swapna and tried to sexually abuse her. Ravi Teja pleaded them to leave his sister and quarrelled with them. They beat Ravi Teja and left away. They again came back, hit Ravi Teja with the bike from the back side and smacked him with beer bottle and an iron rod on the head. In the mean time Swapna snatched the bike keys and shouted for rescue. As Ravi Teja had severe bleeding from the head, they got afraid and ran away. Swapna called to her parents over phone and they came and moved Ravi Teja immediately to the hospital. Ravi Teja was admitted in Boppana Super Speciality Hospital at Penamaluru. He succumbed to the injuries at 12-40 pm on 24th April 2013.    

    Background of the village:

    Punadipadu village comes under Kankipadu mandal of Krishna district and is about 18kms away from Vijayawada city. The village consists of 500 houses of SCs, 400 houses of Kammas and 700 houses of Vadderas approximately. The village is dominated by the OCs (Kammas) and they stand in support of BCs (Vadderas). The political power is in the hands of Kammas. Maddala Sri Lakshmi w/o Thirumala Rao was the sarpanch and her husband Thirumal Rao was the vice-sarpanch and they belong to Kamma caste. The history says that the Kammas and as well as the Vadderas have beaten the SCs on many occasions and the caste elders of Kamma community settle the dispute and force for compromise. The fact finding of DSS has revealed that many such incidents took place in the past ten years and for instance Bandela Guruvaiah, Guddeti Chanti and others were beaten and later compromised though they lodged complaints. The main reason for this humiliation and vulnerability is that the SCs don’t hold agricultural land, are illiterate, don’t have any jobs and are agricultural labourers. In their day to day life SCs will have to depend on Kammas and Vadderas for everything.       

    A case has been registered in Kankipadu PS, Vijayawada Urban Police District bearing Cr No: 105/2013 U/s 304 A and later altered to Sections 302, 506, 354 r/w 34 of IPC and 3(2) (V) of SC/ST (PoA) Act of 1989 and 354 (A) of Nirbhaya Act 2013.


    •  Conducted fact finding.

    •  Had exclusive meetings with the Investigation Officer, Joint Collector and Collector of  Krishna District.

    •  Submitted representations to the commissions and state actors.

    State Actors Approached:

    •          ACP-East Zone and CP-Vijayawada

    •          JC and Collector of Krishna district

    Present status:

    •         Accused arrested and remanded

    •         Case is in the court

    List of Documents:

    •          Fact finding report

    •          FIR

    •          Post mortem report

    •          Representations to district and state level officials and commissions


  • Posted by: Dalit Sthree Sakthi (DSS)
  • Fact finding date: 20-04-2013
  • Date of Case Upload: 07-07-2015




    Brief Details of the Incident:

    Triveni (12) belonging to Holiya Dasari caste, daughter of Pothuraju (45).  Pothuraju works as a watchman in the independent building under construction belonging to Mahesh at Borabanda. The ground floor contains two portions, one portion is occupied by Satyanarayana working as reporter in Andhra Jyothi news paper and other portion is rented to Kumar a lorry driver.  Pothuraju stays in the first floor which is under construction.  He has come to know that prostitution is being done in the portion taken by Kumar and the same was brought to the notice of the owner.  The owner has warned them and asked to vacate the house immediately.

    On 29.03.2010, Pothuraju and his wife went to distribute the wedding cards of their eldest son.  On the same day night four persons wearing masks have forcefully entered the house beat his two sons and Triveni with rods causing grievous injuries.  Later they all gang raped Triveni and left away at a stage when all three fell unconscious.  The perpetrators bolted the house of Satyanarayana from outside.  Satyanarayana’s wife could come out around 8.a.m as the milk man came and opened the outside bolt.  As nobody from Pothuraju’s family was responding, she went up and came to know that all three were unconscious and Triveni was lying naked.  They informed the police and moved them to hospital in 108 ambulance. The police came around 10.a.m. and pressed the dog’s squad in to force. Triveni was given treatment in an unconscious state for one week in Gandhi hospital and she died around 8.30 p.m. on 07.04.2010 and medical negligence is also one of the reasons. All the 4 accused were identified and remanded on 19/6/2012.


    • To  provide job to the brother of the deceased

    • Charge sheet to be filed

    • Speedy trial


    • Conducted Fact Finding

    • Organized Public Action along with other organizations in Gandhi  hospital

    • Focused the issue through media

    • Approached the state level actors of Police and Social Welfare Department

    • Approached the Collector Ranga Reddy District

    • Presented the case in the public hearing organized by DSS and in the Dalit Empowerment Week organized by Social Welfare Department

    • Presented the case in Vigilance and Monitoring Committee of Ranga Reddy District continuously.

    •  Pestered the police department repeatedly

    • Went to Charlapalli Jail along with the brothers of the deceased, identified the accused in the presence of the magistrate.

    • Presented the case in the National Dalit Adivasi Sammelan

    State Actors approached:

    • Chief Justice- High Court-Andhra Pradesh

    • Collector-Ranga Reddy District

    • Commissioner- Social Welfare Department

    • Inspector General of Police- PCR Cell

    • Chairperson – National Human Right Commission

    • Chairperson – National Commission for Women

    • Director – National SC Commission

    • Chairperson – State Human Rights Commission

    • Secretary- State SC/ST Commission

    • Director General of Police

    • Commissioner of Police - Cyberabad


    Present Status of the Case:

    • Accused identified and remanded

    • FSL report awaited

    • Rehabilitation yet to be provided


    List of Documents:

    • Fact finding report

    • Copy of FIR & altered FIRs

    • Copy of the Complaint

    • Legal Opinion of P.P., High Court of AP

    • Collector Proceedings for house and financial assistance

    • Copy of Remand

    • Copy of representations submitted to various state actors and commissions

    • Responses from various state actors and commissions




  • Posted by: Dalit Sthree Sakthi (DSS)
  • Fact finding date: 07-04-2010
  • Date of Case Upload: 06-07-2015



Dalits attacked with sticks and arms by a dominant caste due to Land dispute

    The Case Cause was Land Dispute . Incident  Date is 25th  June 2015. Victims were at their oun home. The River Bank of Saee, There were  7 Trees of Victims from Last 100 Years . suddenly they Listened that some people are cutting the trees. Victims Fatehbahadur and Mohan ran to that side to stop. Same place accused were were sat hide . when victim arrived there accused attacked by Laathee and broken their hands and legs. vicitm cries to save their lives. the mother of Mohan running to save them . accused firring to the mother of Mohan and shotgun was found her let hand .

    After hearing voice other members - Umasankar, Acanish , Krishnkumar, Kancha kUumari , Rajendra Prasad  Rushed towards the Spot. three accused were armed with lathee and guns . Victims Serious Injured by Lathee and Guns Attacked by Accused. In the  Event there are 2 Vicitms are  serious Injured and Admit in PRIVATE hOSPITAL in Jaunpur .

  • Posted by: NDMJ-UP
  • Fact finding date: 05-07-2015
  • Date of Case Upload: 05-07-2015



दलितों पर दबंगों का कहर .....जालौन के लमसर गावं में गुंडा टैक्स को लेकर विबाद,दबंगों ने दलितों के घर

    Case details is not available
  • Posted by: Bundelkhand Dalit Adhikar Manch (BDAM)
  • Fact finding date: 02-07-2015
  • Date of Case Upload: 03-07-2015

दबंगों ने दलितों के घर में घुसकर की मारपीट,महिलाओं के संग की छेड़छाड़

    घटना जालौन जिले के शंकर लाल पुत्र कामता प्रसाद निवासी ग्राम टिकरी थाना सिरसा कलर की है। दिनाक 1 जून 2015 को प्रार्थी के दरबाजे के सामने गली में मनोज उर्फ़ मबो पुत्र भगवानदीन व बलखंडी पुत्र रामप्रसाद केबट खड़े होकर शराब पी रहे थे । इनको राजेश व रअंगोपाल ने शराब पीने से मन किया तो यह गाली देते हुए कहेल गए ।15मिनट बाद करीब साढे 5 बजे मअनीज उर्फ़ मबू,पुत्र भगवानदीन केवट ,बलखंडी पुत्र रामाप्रसाद ,राजू पुत्र बैजनाथ ,बलजीत पुत्र रामा,लल्ला पुत्र बैजनाथ,भूल पुत्र बद्री,ज्ञान पुत्र बद्री,विलास पुत्र पुराण,टीटू पुत्र मथुरा,रामा पुत्र लक्षमण,जाति केबट निवासी ग्राम टिकरी,थाना सिरसाकलार,जिला जालौन एक राय होकर अपने अपने हाथों में लाठी डंडा लेकर मेरे घर पर चढ़कर मेरे लड़के, राजेश व रामगोपाल के साथ मारपीट की व घर में घुसकर 15 लीटर घी भी फैला दिया और घर का कीमती सामान भी तोड़ फोड़ दिया हम लोगो की चीख पुकार सुनकर गावँ के लोग मदद के लिए आये और यह हम सबको जान से मारने की धमकी देते हुए भाग गए।


  • Posted by: Bundelkhand Dalit Adhikar Manch (BDAM)
  • Fact finding date: 05-08-2015
  • Date of Case Upload: 03-07-2015


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