Total records:1318

Sexual abuse of a dalit student in East Champaran Bihar

    The incident is of Govt. Ambedkar Residential High School, District East Champaran Police Station Sugauli where children belonging to SC/ST Community study. On 21-09-2014, Boys Hostel Superintendent Mr. Naval Kishor Pathak tried to sexually abuse Mr. Akhilesh Kumar 16 years S/o Mr. Banaras Baitha resident of village – Lohargawan, Post office – kesariya, Dist- East champaran (Bihar). On 22-09-2014 the incident has been reported to the School Principal Mr. Hari Shankar Tiwari, but no action was taken by him. Incident was then reported to the concern district officials and on the following day District Welfare officer visited the school and called a meeting of all school staff and children. During the meeting the accused Mr. Naval Kishor accepted his mistake and apologized for the incident which was supported by the DWO and School Principal but others including children were not convinced by the same and claimed to register an FIR against the accused for that heinous offence. Despite reporting incident to district officials, the medical test and other action was delayed for two days and accused is still not arrested.  

  • Posted by: NDMJ-Bihar
  • Fact finding date: 23-09-2014
  • Date of Case Upload: 19-05-2015

A tribal minor girl delivered a child at hostel premises of Umri SC/ST Sevashram, Jeypore

    Suranjita Pujari aged about 13 years (DOB-17/03/2001), daughter of Ramanatha Pujari of Upparkanti village under Similiguda police station limit of Koraput district. She is a class VI student and staying at Umuri SC & ST Hostel since 2013. During the summer vacation (May to June 2014) she went to her village and she had relation with Pabitra Puhjari aged about 21 years. After vacation she returned back to her hostel and she got pregnant. On 04 February 2015 around 11:00 Pm she felt sever pain in her abdominal and she called the senior students and hostel superintendent for their help. After they reached she delivered a boy child and when Head Master told to bring her to hospital she refused and requested to go her village.  The next day Head Master gave permission to the assistant teacher to drop Suranjita and her baby in their village by a vehicle.  On 08/02/2015 her health condition was not good so she and her parents went to district hospital, Koraput for treatment. On 05/02/2015 the Head Master Informed the District Welfare Officer Mr. S. Trinath Rao about the whole matter. As per the instruction by Additional District Welfare Officer On 07/02/2015 Mrs. Arnnapurna Devi, Welfare Extension Officer (WEO) visited the Umuri Hostel to inquire the matter. After knowing the matter she went to police station and lodged an FIR against Head Master and Police arrested to the Head Master Mr. Kailash Chandra Bramha.

    On 05/02/2015 the villagers of Uparakanti had a meeting to finalise the case and to give justice to Suranjita and her family, in the meeting the parents of Pabitra Pujari accepted both of mother and child. It was decided that they will be marry as per tribal culture and Suranjita will stay in her In-laws house. As decision by the villagers they were got married and now Suranjita and her baby staying in her in-laws house happily. 

  • Posted by: OROSA
  • Fact finding date: 12-04-2015
  • Date of Case Upload: 15-05-2015



“Nude Photographs of the hostel inmates taken by Accountant of the KGBV, Kabisuryanagar of Ganjam District”

    Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya situated at Gudiali village of Kabisuryanagar in Ganjam district. There were total 100 inmates, one assistant cook and hostel warden staying at the hostel campus. One head cook, another one assistant cook, one accountant, three tuition teacher and one watchman were coming for their duty and went back to their respective house after their duty over.

    On the Occasion of Subash Jayanti 23rd January 2015 all the school students and hostel inmates including the teacher staffs went to Padmanabhapur KGBV of Ujaleswar, Digapahandi for an exposure trip to visit the KGBV campus, there the students and teachers took photographs in the hostel camera. After that on 26th January 2015 during the Republic day observation there were some snaps taken by the Cluster Resource Centre Coordinator (CRCC). On 27th January 2015 Head Mistress asked to the CRCC to show the pictures to get the positives of the photographs to display in the school notice board. When Head Mistress saw the previous pictures there were many nude photographs of the hostel students and nude photographs of the cook taken by Hostel accountant Mr. Tulu Bhuyan in 2012-13 year found. So she immediately informed the School Management Committee and they had a meeting and decided to take printout of the pictures from one of the photo lab of Berhampur town. School Head Mistress informed the Child Welfare Committee and District Program Coordinator about the matter. The CWC and DPC both came to the hostel and had meeting with the presence of SMC members,accused Mr. Tulu Bhuyan, cook Mrs. M. Jyoti Swami, Assistant Cook Ms. Puspalata Rana and Warden Mrs. Babita Kumari Panda asked to the accused when and how they had taken these pictures they have realized and accepted their mistakes. On 05/02/2015 CWC immediately lodged an FIR against the accused at the Kabisuryanagar Police station and handover the camera to the Inspector In-Charge. But the accused Mr. Tulu Bhuyan and Ms. Puspalata Rana suddenly absconded form the area. The Police have started their investigation and to catch the accused but still there was no information about them. 

  • Posted by: OROSA
  • Fact finding date: 18-02-2015
  • Date of Case Upload: 14-05-2015




1) Fact Finding Report_Ganjam 

ST girl was Raped and Murdered in the Rengali block of Sambalpur district

    Sima Oram aged about 15 years old; daughter of Bhuban Oram and Nandini Oram of Dhodachuan village of Rengali Block under Rengali police station of Sambalpur district was raped and murdered by the Bhisma Ranabida, aged about 27 years old of Vursipalli village of Rengali Block.

    The victim Sima Oram was studying in 8th STD in the Lahamani High school during the class 10th Examination all the classes were suspended. Sima belongs to Scheduled Caste and Below Poverty Line (BPL) so she started to earn and support her family members by working in a brick cline in this vacancy period.  For carrying load of 1000 bricks the labourer paid Rs.100 as remuneration. Sima goes to the labour work with her friend Anita Oram which is 3 Km away from her house.  They go for work at early morning 5 Am and return back by 11 Am , they took their lunch and again went for work at 2 Pm and return back by 5:30 Pm. On 27/02/2015 Sima along with Anita went for work and returning back to their house at around 1:30 Pm passing the Patlay Bandabhal Jungle one boy suddenly came out from the jungle and pulled Anita’s hand and forcefully lie down and attempted to murder her by strangling chocked her neck. At that time Anita told to Sima for run fast to leave this place and suddenly she tried to bit him and escape from him and ran faster towards her home. But she did not found Sima in the road so she was afraid and called some of people from nearby village and tried to search Sima in the Jungle. All the people were searched Sima but nobody found her in the meantime Anita’s leg got tangled in the bush and felled down she saw the  body of the victim drenched with blood then she called all the people to come and took the dead body to the police station. The dead body sent to the Burla hospital for the post mortem. From the incident spot the police seized two mobile phones, one ladies bicycle and one saree.  The parents lodged an FIR in the Rengali police station. The police started their investigation and caught some of the people suspected and called Anita to the police station for identifying the perpetrator. After the identification the accused accepted his confess in front of all and police arrested to the accused and prepared charge sheet and forwarded to the court. 

  • Posted by: OROSA
  • Fact finding date: 09-03-2015
  • Date of Case Upload: 14-05-2015

“Minor Tribal girl delivered child\\\"

    Randai Sundhy aged 16 years, daughter of Ghana Sundhy of Chulia village under Kamakhyanagar police station limit of Dhenkanal district. She married to Motai Bodra (Peta) during   pregnancy he left her and went away from her. On 06/02/2015 she delivered a child and after the death of her child she become serious and admitted in the SCB Medical, Cuttack.

    Randai was studying in class VIII at Baghamunda Seba Ashram School in the 2012. In June 2012 her father was died and she came from hostel for her father’s funeral rituals and did not return back to hostel and she stayed with her mother. Dasama Sundhy her mother was only the bread earner and worked as a maid in the local area. Due to the poor financial condition Randai did not return to the hostel and worked as a labour in the Dhenkanal Kengali Cenal construction work where she met Motai Bodra, who worked as a contractor in the same project. He proposed her to get marry. During the Durga puja they decided to live together and got married in their village. After living together for one year, she got pregnant and along with husband she came to her mother’s house and was staying there. Her husband went outside for searching of work and not returned back. On 06/02/2015 Randai delivered a immature child in her seventh month of pregnancy at her mother’s house and after 3 days of delivery her was died and she became serious and was lie down in the outside of her house. On the same day Mr. Lambodar Nayak husband of the Sarapancha visited Chulia village and suddenly he saw Randai and her new born child was lie down and nobody taking care of her. Her mother went for household work nearby villages. Immediately he took her to the Sub-divisional District Hospital of Kamakhyanagar and admitted her. Because of her serious condition doctor referred to the Dhenkanal District Medical for better treatment. On 12/2/2015 her mother went to Kamakhyanagar police station and lodged an FIR against Motai Bodra, after then Randai along with her mother went to Dhenkanal Hospital admitted there and she was under treatment for 3 days and doctor referred to the Cuttack SCB medical for further treatment and discharged her at evening time and advised them to go Cuttack by Ambulance but Randai refused to her mother not to go Cuttack for treatment and both of them returned to their village by hiring a cab. Again her health condition was serious so both of them went to Cuttack with the support of Lambodar Nayak and villagers. During the treatment Doctor found that her internal organs were functioning in opposite sides, this is a rare case to handle. In the Cuttack hospital she was neglected from proper treatment and on 27/02/2015 doctor discharged her after knowing that she was suffering from typhoid. She came back with her husband and mother to her home and after six days her mother in-law came and took her to their house. On 09/03/2015 Randai was died at her in-laws house and her dead body sent to hospital for post mortem.  Police arrested the accused Motai Bodra and forwarded to the court. 

  • Posted by: OROSA
  • Fact finding date: 15-02-2015
  • Date of Case Upload: 14-05-2015


1) Fact Finding Report of Dhenkal 
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